%This is the start of the 'autoedit' collection of programs. % see aREADME for more details % JH 2000/12/10 %%% THIS TEMPLATE IS FOR NEWDAY.PRL AND QUICK_ADCP.PRL%%% adcppath navfile = '__navfile__'; tmp = read_asc(navfile); %config.lon_branch = 0; %this should not be necessary, % but if longitude is splitting % badly, you may want to set % this manually. (choose a % longitude not crossed by the % cruise track %%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of section to be edited by user %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% config.start_dd = floor(min(tmp(:,1))); config.end_dd = ceil(max(tmp(:,1))); config.ddrange = 0.8; config.yearbase = __yearbase__; config.comment = '__comment__'; config.dbpath = '../adcpdb/'; config.dbname = '__dbname__'; config.nbins = __numbins__; config.rl_range = [__rl_startbin__ __rl_endbin__]; config.prefix = 'a_'; config.navfile = navfile; %% for really bad pingdata, maybe try: % config.refsm_cfg.min_pg = 50; % config.refsm_cfg.min_maxpg = 50; %%%% for uhraw pingedited, try % config.refsm_cfg.min_pg = 20; % config.refsm_cfg.min_maxpg = 40;