/****************************************************************************** FILE: timslip.cnt This control file is used with the timslip program to detect ship accelerations and turns from ship velocity, as recorded by the ADCP, and from position fixes. It can be used to derive an estimate of the time difference between the ADCP ensembles and the satellite time. It also provides estimates of the amplitude and phase of the transducer misalignment. INPUT: 1. text file of ship velocity (.nav output from adcpsect) 2. text file of position fixes OUTPUT: text file (.cal file) with the following columns: 1. jump direction (+/-1 = accel./decel.; +/-2 = turn right/left) 2. time of middle fix (in decimal days) 3. number of ensembles used 4. number of fixes used 5. change in zonal ship velocity 6. change in meridional ship velocity 7. variance of the reference layer velocity 8. minimized variance of the reference layer velocity 9. estimated time difference between fix and PC time (in seconds) 10. estimated amplitude 11. estimated phase (in degrees countercc from gyro to transducer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: fix_file_type: < simple | HIG > fix_file: < input file of position fixes > reference_file: < input file for ship velocity > output_file: < output filename > year_base= < year base for decimal day calculations > min_n_fixes= < minimum number of fixes for calculation of time shift to proceed > { normally the same as n_refs= } n_refs= < number of ensembles used in calculation of time shift > { The jump in velocity will be between indices (n_refs-1)/2 and (n_refs-1)/2 +1. For example, it will be between 6 and 7 if n_refs is 13. Note that all these indices start from 0, C-style, not from 1. However, the lowest index specified must be >= 1, since the time of the start of ensemble 1 is (approximately) the time recorded with ensemble 0. } i_ref_l0= < index of first ensemble to use before jump > { min. is 1 } i_ref_l1= < index of last ensemble before jump > i_ref_r0= < index of first ensemble after jump > i_ref_r1= < index of last ensemble after jump > up_thresh= < about 1/2 underway speed > { for jump detection (m/s) } down_thresh= < about 1/2 underway speed > { for jump detection (m/s) } turn_speed= <2> { min. speed (m/s) for turn detection } turn_thresh= <60> { magnitude of course difference (deg) for turn detect. } dtmax= < ensemble length + some > { max. seconds between ensembles, to screen gaps } tolerance= <5.e-5> { days (about 5 secs) tolerance for iterative timslip calc. } grid: < fix | ensemble > { calculate reference layer velocities averaged between fix times, or over ensemble intervals } use_shifted_times? < yes | no | fixed time shift in seconds > { use the best-fit time shift in the calibration } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fix_file_type: simple fix_file: ../../nav/ademo.ags reference_file: ademorot.nav output_file: ademo_9r.cal year_base= 1993 min_n_fixes= 9 /* 5 7 9 */ n_refs= 9 /* 5 7 9 */ i_ref_l0= 1 i_ref_l1= 3 /* 1 2 3 */ i_ref_r0= 6 /* 4 5 6 */ i_ref_r1= 8 /* 4 6 8 */ up_thresh= 3.0 /* m/s */ down_thresh= 3.0 /* m/s */ turn_speed= 2.0 /* m/s */ turn_thresh= 60 /* degrees */ dtmax= 360 /* seconds, for 300-second ensembles */ tolerance= 5.e-5 /* days, about 5 seconds */ grid: ensemble use_shifted_times? no /*****************************************************************************/