From: Sylvia Musielewicz - NOAA Affiliate Date: Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 11:35 AM Subject: new data To: Alex Kozyr - NOAA Affiliate Hi Alex, Over the past year, our group has developed protocol for QC of Chl, NTU and O2 data - of which we have a 10 year back up on our OA sites. I want to give you a heads up that I will soon begin submitting these data to NCEI as replacement datasets. We will not be going through SOCAT (as suspension and resubmit would trigger a new QC process for the SOCAT volunteers). I was told to send the files directly to you. The replacement files will include the csv file with additional columns for Chl, Chl flag, NTU, NTU flag and O2, O2 flag - otherwise it's identical to the original. The QF Log will also be replaced to include flags for these parameters, and the xml replaced to include descriptions of the new variables. So all three files will need to be replaced for each deployment. Warning: there are quite a lot of them. My plan is to submit everything for one site at once for you to archive. I am ready to start with La Push, deployments 2 through 10 (2011 - 2017). Deployment 1 had a pH sensor but no fluorometer, so it does not need to be replaced. Adrienne has instructed me to catch up on all Chl/NTU/O2 before resuming CO2 QC, so you probably won't see any new CO2 data from me for a while. Roman, however, is going to submit the TAO data ahead of the SOCAT deadline of January 15. How would you like me to hand over the files? They are small enough that I can probably attach 2 or 3 years in an email. Or I can upload them to a shared google drive if you prefer. Anyway, I want to give you a heads up that I'm starting this process, maybe as soon as this afternoon or Monday if you're ready for them. I hope you are well in these uncertain times!Sylvia Sylvia Musielewicz NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory University of Washington  Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies 206-526-6252