Request for OCADS archival of dataset 316420161027 from SOCAT dashboard user Sylvia Musielewicz Inbox x 1:52 PM to nodc.dataoffic., sylvia.musiele., noaa.ocads Dear OCADS Archival Team, As part of submitting dataset 316420161027 to SOCAT for QC, the SOCAT Upload Dashboard user Sylvia Musielewicz has requested immediate OCADS archival of the attached data and metadata. The attached file is a ZIP file of the data and metadata, but "_from_SOCAT" has been appended to the name for sending as an email attachment. Best regards, SOCAT Team Attachments area Sylvia Musielewicz - NOAA Affiliate 1:56 PM to me Hi Alex, Here is a new dataset for the La Push mooring. I think I'm done with this site until next year, so safe to archive. Thanks! Sylvia LaPush_125W_48N_Oct2016_Dec2016