***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0098789 Created on: 2012-10-19 17:51:15 UTC By: Pat Caldwell,OC6,NCDDC,8089564105 Source: This accession was prepared by Pat Caldwell, NODC liaison in Hawaii. Data originally provided by Craig Nosse of the HOTS physical oceanography group as NetCDF files on March 8, 2012. These NetCDFs did not have any specific conventions. Originators were asked if they could follow OceanSITES, http://www.oceansites.org/, since these data are contributed to this program. On July 27, 2012, a replacement set was received from Fernando Santiago-Mandujano of the HOTs PO group with NetCDF OceanSITES convention. Actions: The NODC liaison made a 1-data directory, in which the netCDF files in 0-data were "ncdump"-ed to extract the metadata associated with each file using the Linux utility "ncdump -h [file.nc]". This allows a convenience for users to browse information about each file if a NetCDF is not readily available. Directory and Files of this NODC Accession: directory: /about This directory contains files created by NODC staff, email correspondence, and other 'negotiable' information between NODC staff and the data provider. file: 0-email.txt format: ASCII text content: history of correspondence between NODC liaison and data originator file: simple_metadata.txt format: ASCII text content: Old school data readme file with all the essential information about the dataset file: FGDC_metadata.xml format: XML content: Federal Geographic Data Committee, http://www.fgdc.gov/, FGDC- compliant metadata created using MerMAID, www.ncddc.noaa.gov/metadata-standards/mermaid/ The information in this file was cut/pasted from simple_metadata.txt. file: ISO_19115_2_metadata.xml format: XML content: International Organization for Standards (ISO) standard 19115-2 compliant metadata created using MerMAID, www.ncddc.noaa.gov/metadata-standards/mermaid/ The information in this file was cut/pasted from simple_metadata.txt. file: 0098789_lonlat.txt format: ASCII text content: Contains sample locations for these data. Each row contains the geographical position where these data were collected (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). NODC may have corrected geographic positions that seemed to be in error when generating this file. However, NODC did not change the original data files under the directory data/0-data/. file: 0098789_map.jpg format: JPEG content: Sample location map for these data. directory: data/0-data/ This directory contains the data files as submitted to NODC. directory: data/1-data/ This directory contains the data files created by NODC during preparation for archival at NODC.