When leaving port, figure out which instruments are going to be used and with which ping types, and set those up in the gui. For any new instruments, (i.e. wh300 or os150) also turn on bottom tracking. Start the cruise. After several hours (2-6?), there might be enough data to try revising the calibration value for the new instruments. See /home/jules/tmp/update_to_melville/UHDAS_webdoc/Troubleshooting/btcaluv.html check bottom track calibration to decide if there is enough information. If so, stop logging end cruise kill gui change these files as appropriate - /home/adcp/config/sensor_cfg.py (the EA command). - only change if more than 5 degrees off - /home/adcp/config/cruise_proc.m__ - alter h_align for the relevant instrument using the results from bottom track calibration start gui start new cruise (different name!!) start logging