/home/adcp/config contents: Files marked with (*) need to be changed if instruments change # text files ------------------ cmdfiles/* *: commands to send to various types of ADCP bash_env : path info for bash environment # python files ------------------ sensor_cfg.py *: tells the UHDAS gui how to communicate with ADCPs, : sets baud rates, message info for recording data procsetup_onship.py *: sets processing parameters # matlab files ------------------ cruise_cfg.m__ : template for matlab processing (path info) cruise_proc.m__ *: instrument configuration (transducer angle) cruise_disp.m__ : (obsolete) ============================================================================= Here are the details of the changes needed. The fall into 3 categories: (1) logging (sensor_cfg.py) (2) processing (procsetup_onship.py, cruise_proc.m__) (3) command files (update the contents of /home/adcp/config/cmdfiles) (4) after sailing, apply calibration from bottom track ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) logging: /home/adcp/config/sensor_cfg.py see readme_logging.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) processing (procsetuo_onship.py, cruise_proc.m__) see readme_processing.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) command files update the contents of /home/adcp/config/cmdfiles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) calibration see readme_calibration.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- My job: I will stage a new /home/adcp/config directory with - old files present with original names; copied to *_Jan08* - updated cmdfiles directory - chunk of html documentation provided Your job: - stop logging, end cruise, kill gui - "mv config config_orig; mv config_new config" - start gui, start test cruise, start logging (to make sure the original files really are working) - stop logging, end cruise, kill gui - Pick the instrument scheme, (eg. scheme #3 below), - do "diff sensor_cfg.py sensor3_cfg.py" to see the differences - read readme_logging.txt and readme_processing.txt for more info - copy the scheme #3 files to generic locations: cp sensor_cfg3.py sensor_cfg.py cp procsetup_onship1234.py procsetup_onship.py cp cruise_proc1234.m__ cruise_proc.m__ - then fire up the gui and try to talk to the instruments - see readme_calibration.txt for information about bottom track calibration. also there is a lengthy html description at /home/adcp/UHDAS_webdoc/Troubleshooting/btcaluv.html -------------------------------------------- If you want to talk to an instrument via a terminal emulation program, one does exist on 'currents'. Fire up "tk_terminal.py" to talk to the serial ports. You can set the baud rate and choose the device name with the menus. Be sure to 'connect to port' or it won't listen. This also writes a lock file, so "disconnect" when you're done to free up the lockfile. You can type commands down in the bottom (single empty line) and hit to send. For instance, a "TS?" will return with the instrument's time stamp. A "?" should tell you the possible commands, and a "P?" will show you what tests can be run. It is safest to do this while the gui is not runnign, in case you get confused and create lock files on serial ports that you wanted to use... Html instructions are at /home/adcp/UHDAS_webdoc/Troubleshooting/tk_terminal.html -------------------------------------------- NOTES: New files will be named according to the possible scearios, as I understand them (see below). If another scenario is used, you'll have to edit the files # stern bow ----- ----------- 1) bb150 (vmdas) nb150 + os75 (uhdas) 2) os150 + nb150 + os75 (uhdas) 3) wh300 + nb150 + os75 (uhdas) 4) wh300 + os150 + os75 (uhdas) 5) os150 + os75 (uhdas) My understanding of the serial ports is ttyR0 - # now designated for os150 ttyR1 - nb150 ttyR2 - gyro ttyR3 - gps GPGGA ttyR4 - os75 ttyR5 - xx failed; was used for ashtech ttyR6 - now used for Ashtech ttyR7 - # now designated for wh300 --------------------------------- Files are be labeled according to above numbering scheme: scheme files to copy to generic name 1 (no change for uhdas, so no new files) 2 sensor_cfg2.py, procsetup_onship12345.py, cruise_proc12345.m__ 3 sensor_cfg3.py, procsetup_onship12345.py, cruise_proc12345.m__ 4 sensor_cfg4.py, procsetup_onship12345.py, cruise_proc12345.m__ 5 sensor_cfg5.py, procsetup_onship12345.py, cruise_proc12345.m__ (procsetup_onship12345.py should work for any scheme) (cruise_proc12345.m__ should work for any scheme) -------------------------