shipkey = "rr" #shipname = "Roger Revelle" # --> new: beamstats # --> new: gzip ##################################### # Additional ship configuration information: (all as comments) # # deeper blanking interval use defaults # IP number # ntp server server # # last changed July 10, 2008 ################################### # for #------------------------- # List of paths to backup "data" subdirectories. Within each such # subdirectory, the cruise data directory (e.g., km0507) will # be found. If the active cruise is "km0507", then rsync will # be called periodically to copy the contents of /home/data/km0507 # to data/km0507 in each path in the list. backup_paths = ['/disk2/home',] #backup_paths = [] # turns off gzipping gzip_serial_files = False #default would be to gzip # Interval in seconds between backups rsync_t = 3600 # for #-------------------------- # Interval in seconds between ensemble updates: short_t = 300 # Interval in seconds between database updates: long_t = 1800 # Working directory for calculations and intermediate products: workdir = '/home/adcp/uhdas_tmp' # Command string to start up the speedlog; empty string or # None to disable the speedlog. If there is a speedlog command, # the string must end with '&' so that it will be executed in # the background. speedlog_cmd = None # for processing #---------------- # (1) values substituted into cruise_cfg.m (for matlab) ### choose the instrument to use for heading correction. options: # 'gyro', 'ashtech', 'posmv', or 'seapath' ## This will be substituted into cruise_cfg.m, where matlab looks for it hcorr_inst = 'ashtech' ## 'gyro', 'seapath', 'ashtech', '' pos_inst = 'gpsnav' pos_msg = 'gps' hdg_inst = 'gyro' hdg_msg = 'hdg' # for phins message pitch_inst = 'ashtech' pitch_msg = 'adu' roll_inst = 'ashtech' roll_msg = 'adu' # (2) values substituted into cruise_proc.m (for matlab) # heading alignment: nominal - (cal/watertrack) h_align = {} h_align['nb150'] = 2.0 # 1.79 -(-.2) from DIMES watertrack calib h_align['os75'] = 42.3 # 45.0 - 2.75 ## from original bottom track cal # transducer depth, meters ducer_depth = {} ducer_depth['nb150'] = 5 ducer_depth['os75'] = 5 # optional: weakprof_numbins # weakprof_numbins = {'os38bb' : 2} # velocity scalefactor scalefactor = {} scalefactor['nb150'] = .9777 scalefactor['os75bb'] = 1.0 ## this should be the default scalefactor['os75nb'] = 1.0 # then it could mostly be left out # soundspeed soundspeed = {} soundspeed['nb150'] = 'calculate' soundspeed['os75bb'] = None # NOTE: use 'calculate' for NB150 soundspeed['os75nb'] = None # if instrument was configured that way. # salinity salinity = {} salinity['nb150'] = 35.0 salinity['os75bb'] = None ## NOTE: use fixed value such as 34.5 or 35.0 salinity['os75nb'] = None ## for NB150 if using 'calculate' for soundspeed # (3) values for ## choose whether or not to use topography for editing ## uses smith,sandwell version from about 2004 use_topo4edit = True # averaging interval (seconds) usually 300. might use 120sec for wh300 enslength = {} enslength['nb150'] = 300 #enslength['os75bb'] = 300 #enslength['os75nb'] = 300 enslength['os75bb'] = 60 ## 6/10 --> changed from os75bb/nb enslength['os75nb'] = 60 ## from 60s to 300s. Lien's cruises require 60s # (4) values for web plots and quality monitoring ## will get statistics on these (assumes correct messages are logged) ## and quality plots will go on the web site on the long_t timer attitude_devices = ['ashtech', 'phins'] ## calculate beam statistics for OS75 beamstats = ['os'] # ocean surveyor beam statistics; disable is emtpy, i.e. [] # new section, to create cruise_proc.m # all dictionaries must be filled ## for # initialize; # fill ## going to be top_plotbin top_plotbin = {} top_plotbin['nb150'] = 1 top_plotbin['os75bb'] = 1 top_plotbin['os75nb'] = 1 ## set deeper, eg 2, if instrument has ringing ## which virtual instrument will be used for kts+dir 5-minute bridge plots? ## going to be kt_dir_instlist ['os38nb', 'os38bb'] kts_dir_instrument = ['nb150', 'os75nb', 'os75bb'] ##################################### # for #-------------- # Each email "mailto" must be a list of email addresses: # ["", ""] # An empty list (no addresses) is : [] tarball_mailto = [""] ## to avoid mailing tarball, do it this way: # tarball_mailto = [] # includes web links on currents: local_status_mailto = [""] shore_status_mailto = ["", ""] SMTP_server = "" mail_from = ""