.. ...................................... .. UHDAS/CODAS restructured text document .. ...................................... Shipboard web access to data and figures ---------------------------------------- UHDAS+CODAS documentation and figures at sea start on the UHDAS web site, usually http://currents/adcp The automated system extracts data and makes figures that are available on the ship's network as: (1) processed velocity data * `velocity data on the web `_ These are (preliminary) processed data, regularly extracted and saved as matlab files. Vertical and time averaging are described on the same page. If this above link does not work, click on **Quick Links: Data** on the UHDAS home page. * every bin, every profile For each processing directory (instrument + pingtype), high-resolution data are extracted when the database is updated. These matlab files contain the highest vertical resolution available and the hightest temporal resolution supported in the processing (usually 5 minutes). Access to these files requires you to "map network drive" (on Windows) or "mount" the directory (unix). Instructions for this process start `here <../Processing/mounting_disks.html>`_. Procedure: - mount the ``data`` directory - look in ``current_cruise/proc`` for the processing directory of interest. - the files are in ``contour`` - load the files using "load_getmat.m", `documented here <../Processing/getmat.html>`_. (2) figures * `live figures `_ If the above link does not work, click on **Quick Links: Figures (live)** on the UHDAS home page. * archived figures Figures (contour and vector 3-day plots" are archived (during the cruise) `here `_. The archive is copied to the processing directory at the end of the cruise. If the above link does not work, click on **Quick Links: Figures (archive)** on the UHDAS home page. Shipboard web access to more data and programs ----------------------------------------------- All UHDAS ADCP programs exist on "currents" and can be used by users to extract or load (using Matlab) their own files. Follow these links for more general information about - `network shares <../Processing/mounting_disks.html>`_ - `matlab access to data <../Processing/uhdas_matlab_access.html>`_. - `matlab tools for CODAS data <../Processing/matlab_access.html>`_.