Cruise Report OC351 Underway Data The underway data collection work well. The SBE45 (SeaBird thermosalinograph, SBE45) stopped working prior to sailing, but the FSI worked well. CTD and Dan's Camera Configuration files for the CTD are located in ctd/configs/ The data in ctd/process had been minimally processed. CTD1 No water collected, petcocks left open CTD2 Went well CTD6 Dan's camera turned on, got some nice bottom pictures. CTD10 Performed a basic process of stations and found that the secondary suite of sensors (conductivity, temperature, and oxygen) were noisy, flushed out hosing and cleaned air leak valve for next station. Bottle 10 leaked and decided to change end cap, in the process damaged the top of the bottle. Left bottle on package but was not used for sampling. CTD16 Secondary suite of sensors remained noisy this can be seen in the graphs ctd/oxygenctd16.jpg ctd/salinityctd16.jpg ctd/tempctd16.jpg Pictures from the camera were copied to share/oc451ctd16pictures and share/oc451ctd6pictures