***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0078142 Created on: 2011-10-06 11:42:08 UTC By: Automated Ingest Agent Source: Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) Actions: NODC uses an automated process to acquire the data from a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ftp site maintained by the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office. NODC received MD5 cryptographic checksums with these data. During ingest processing, NODC verified that the integrity of these data were maintained during transmission by recalculating sums and comparing against those received from the data provider. The original tar file and MD5 sums file used to transfer these data from the data provider were discarded after the extraction and validation processes were successfully completed. Files found in this accession: about/ This directory contains files generated by NODC with ancillary information about the data submission. FGDC_0078142.xml - Metadata record for the archived data, in Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998) XML format. 0078142_lonlat.txt - Contains sample locations for these data. Each row contains the geographical position where these data were collected (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). These coordinates were recorded in the comma separated value file in the data/0-data/ directory, from the columns with headers labeled 'lon' and 'lat.' 0078142_map.jpg - Sample location map for these data. data/0-data/ This directory contains the data files that were submitted to NODC by the Biological and Chemical Data Management Office. RV_Oceanus_OC404-01.csv - RV_Oceanus_OC404-04.csv - Contains the comma separated values for the originator data and metadata that have been extracted from the BCO-DMO repository. OCB_EDDIES_chlorophyll_phaeophytin.xml - Contains additional metadata necessary for understanding the data provided in the comma separated file(s) above. The file conforms to the FGDC-STD-001-1998 content standard, and has attributes corresponding to the CSV file column headers, describing definitions and units for these attributes. cruise_reports - This directory contains the scientific Principal Investigator's cruise report for the cruises associated with this data set. supplemental_documentation - This directory contains supplementary documents for the data set (e.g., cruise tracks). ***************************************************************** NODC accession number: 0078142 Version: 2.2 Updated on: 2011-10-06 11:42:18 UTC By: Automated Ingest Agent Updates were received for this data set. Updates may provide additional files or replace obsolete files. However, all of the files received prior to this update are available in the preceding version of this accession. Total number of files: 7 Number of new files: 0 Number of changed files: 3 Number of files removed: 0 Changed files: OCB_EDDIES_chlorophyll_phaeophytin.xml supplemental_documentation/OC404-01.pdf supplemental_documentation/OC404-04.pdf