***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0077805 Created on: 2011-09-26 14:49:08 UTC By: Jonathan Blythe, Ph.D., National Oceanographic Data Center Source: Data were posted on the NODC FTP by Patrick Robinson from the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC), on behalf of Dan Costa also at UCSC. The transmission that began on 2011-09-23 was composed of 157 data files and 2 metadata files totaling 8,000,000,000+ bytes. The ftp transmission completed the following day (2011-9-24). The file 2008030_EsealV2.csv was posted by Patrick Robinson on the NODC FTP on 2011-09-28. Actions: Files were copied to the data/0-data directory on 2011-09-26 and 2011-09-28. No further action was taken with the originator data. Files: about/ This directory contains files created by NODC staff to document email correspondence and other information pertinent to the data submission. 0077805_lonlat.txt - Listing of unique longitude and latitude coordinates from data, in decimal degrees. These data were truncated to hundredths of degrees to accurately reflect the precision of position estimates (~10km). This also reduces the number of points tracked for data documentation purposes in this file. 0077805_map.jpg - Geographic positions for measurements reflected in these data, which are listed in the 0077805_lonlat.txt file. 0-email.txt - Initial email from Patrick Robinson inquiring about NODC data format requirements for entering data into the World Ocean Database. 1-email.txt - The email notifying the data officer that data have been posted to the NODC ftp site. Additional correspondence with the NODC point of contact for these data are copied in the space below the email. 2-email.txt - This email notifies the data officer that the file named 2008030_Eseal.csv has been re-submitted under a new file name 2008030_EsealV2.csv, which is a more complete record for this sensor deployment. Additionally, this email contains quality information for formatting errors that may have occurred during FTP transfer of the data to NODC. 3-email.txt - Follow up email explaining that the same temperature probe is used on the two sensor models (MK9 vs. MK10). topps.png - World map of profile locations generated by Tim Boyer, while applying World Ocean Database quality control statistics to the data in this accession. data/0-data/ This directory contains the data files as Patrick Robinson submitted them to NODC. YYYYNNN_Eseal.csv - The comma separated value data files that are named according to the following convention. YYYY is the year between 2004 and 2010 when the data were collected. NNN is a number proceeded by zeros when necessary, like 001 to indicate the Pinniped sensor deployment replicate. A total of 157 such data files were submitted to NODC. EDDF_TOPP_ESEAL_20110922.pdf - The data documentation file, which is a standard metadata file used by data producers submitting data to NODC. TOPP_metadata_20110922.txt - An additional text file that documents the data.