OC331 ATHENA The one minute ATHENA files. R/V OCEANUS DATA LOG - 1 minute log file Primary Data File (ASCII) 10/05/98 00:00:00 Julian Seconds = 13126838400 ATHENA V5.3 001| JSECONDS Date & time (Julian seconds) 002| CDATE Computer date 003| CTIME Computer time 004| GYRO Ship's heading (Gyro syncro) 011| GPS_GGA GPS NMEA GGA data string 012| GPS_VTG GPS NMEA VTG data string 019| GPS_TYPE GPS type (Std, Diff, P-Code) 020| IMET IMET data {Wnd,Bar,Hum,SWR,Prc} 030| SSTMP Sea surface temperature (C) 031| SSCND Sea surface conductivity (mmho/cm) 032| SALINITY Surface salinity, UNESCO 44 040| WIND True wind speed (m/s) & direction 081| MBYTE1 MetraByte module #1 (Fluoro Data) 082| MBYTE2 MetraByte module #2 (Fluoro Range) NARROW BAND ADCP (150ADCP) Charlie Flaggs configuration was used, when the ship changed areas the ASHTEC and GPS information was lost, had and to reboot the computer to get it back. BROADBAND ADCP (300ADCP) OC1998.cfg was the configuration file used to collect the data. Raw, processed and nav data were all collected. CTD Fifty- four CTD stations were taken. The altimeter worked well, there were no bottom crashes. At one point a critter got sucked into the conductivity cell, and it took several flushes to clear it out. The serial numbers of the instruments: oxygen sensor: 130442 (did not work)/unplugged conductivity: 1859 temperature: 2265 pressure: 63502 transmissometer: 667 fluorometer: 75S par sensor : 4550 (knorr's) (QSP-200L4S) deck par : 6294 (QSR-240) seaport turbidity : 1391 altimeter : 641 voltage channel 1: seatech fluorometer 75s voltage channel 2: seatech transmissometer 667 voltage channel 4: datasonics altimeter 641 voltage channel 5: seaport turbidity meter 1391 voltage channel 6: WHOI (knorr) PAR s/n 4550 voltage channel 9: WHOI Surface PAR s/n 6294