Knudsen - Software for the Knudsen 3.5/12KHZ echosounder Run Setup.exe to install the Knudsen Echosounder suite. Documentation for the echosounder suite is in the \manual directory. SeaBird - Software for Seabird instruments and CTD. Run Seasoft-Win32_1Mar2004.exe to install the data recording and postprocessing software for Seabird instruments. Readmefirst.txt explains what the applications do. is a complete copy of the Seabird website. \Training Text contains the training manuals for Seasoft. \Data contains sample data that accompanies the training material. Complete training located in the Training Text folder in pdf format. RDInstruments - Software for the Ocean Surveyor 38KHZ and the Broadband 150 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler \OSTechnical Manual - Manual for the Ocean Surveyor ADCP. \RDITools - Software and manuals for BBTalk, BBList, BBSub, BBConv, BBMerge, BBcheck, BBslice which are ADCP post processing tools. \VMDas - WVMDAS!.EXE Widnows VMDAS which is RDI's data acquisition and playback software for ADCP's. WVMDASUG.exe - installs the Windows VMDAS users guide. \WINADCP!.exe is RDI's post processing and playback software for ADCP's. WNADCPUG.exe installs the Windows ADCP users Guide. Vids - Data collected by our environmental sensors and bow pumping system. This data is in .dat format and can be opened in any text editor or spreadsheet.