***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0071871 Created on: 2011-04-03 09:27:41 UTC By: Automated Ingest Agent Source: Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Data These data were submitted for archival to the NODC as part of the GHRSST (Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature) Program. The purpose of GHRSST is to develop an operational demonstration system that will deliver global coverage high-resolution (better than 10 km and ~6 hourly) near-real time SST data products and delayed mode climate data record SST products. GHRSST is based on a global task-sharing system in which the data processing operations are shared by Regional Data Assembly Centres (RDACs), Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs), and a Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility (LTSRF, maintained by NODC). The RDACs ingest, quality control and merge existing satellite and in situ SST data sources that are then merged together to generate regional coverage SST data products having the same netCDF format specification (called L2P products), in real-time. RDAC data products are then assembled together at the GDAC(s) where they are merged to provide L4 global coverage data products free of gaps. The RDACs can also contribute both global and regional L4 products as well. For a complete description of GHRSST including data processing and metadata specifications, please refer to: The Recommended GHRSST Data Processing Specification GDS (Version 1 revision 1.5), GHRSST Report Number 17, compiled by Craig Donlon (craig.donlon@metoffice.com) and the GHRSST Science Team, Published by the International GHRSST Project Office, Met Office, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, EX3 1PB, United Kingdom, downloadable from the References section of the GHRSST site at: http://www.ghrsst.org/. The role of the NODC within this international project is to serve as the long term stewardship center where reprocessing efforts to create climate-quality SST products take place, and where all GHRSST data is made available in perpetuity. GHRSST data is received daily by the NODC 30 days after observation (prior to 30 days it is available through the GDAC interface) through an automated procedure made possible largely by the formalized procedures developed within the GHRSST especially those pertaining to data management, metadata, and file naming conventions. The basic strategy is to bring in data files and corresponding FGDC metadata in XML format on a daily basis, then use a combination of static information, information from the XML filenames, information from within the XML metadata records, and information generated by the NODC archive system to automatically create an ATDB entry and accession for each logical grouping of data (there may be several each day) and then move the relevant data files (there may be several per accession) and FGDC record into the NODC archive file systems. On a routine basis, an http/ftp/OPeNDAP hierarchy is then constructed of symbolic links pointing to the data and metadata residing in the formal NODC archive file system. The GHRSST data streams consist of several types of data and metadata. Two types of data managed using the procedures documented here make up the core of the GHRSST system. These data types, in netCDF format, are: 1. Level 2 Preprocessed (L2P): Individual satellite sensor observations processed into geophysical units (SST in degrees C) and formatted according to the GHRSST Data Processing Specifications (GDS v1.5, GHRSST/17). 2. Level 4 Analyzed (L4): These are uniformly gridded and gap-free products created by optimally merging multiple L2P inputs. Both L2P and L4 data are stored in netCDF format following the procedures detailed in the GDS. The netCDF files are compressed using bzip2 compression and can be decompressed with freely-available software (http://www.bzip.org/). Summary of GHRSST data management structure: 1. Data processing is managed by a distributed system with international partners at Regional Data Assembly Centers (RDACs) around the world. 2. The RDACs generate data and GCMD-DIF style metadata for L2P data streams as well as L4 products, along with matchup database (MDB) and high resolution diagnostic data set (HR-DDS) information. 3. All RDAC data streams are sent first to the Global Data Assembly Center (GDAC) at the NASA JPL/Caltech Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC). The PO.DAAC (http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov/), provides critical data management functions and user access to these real-time data. The PO.DAAC holds the data in a 30 day rolling store, and constructs an XML-formatted FGDC-compliant metadata record for each logical grouping of data (an NODC "Accession") based on the GCMD-DIF style metadata mandated as part of the GHRSST system. 4. The PO.DAAC GDAC system makes these data available to NODC 30 days after observation. These data may be retrieved from the NODC via several mechanisms at: 1. NODC Ocean Archive System: http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/search/prod/ 2. HTTP Server: http://data.nodc.noaa.gov/ghrsst 3. FTP Server: ftp://ftp.nodc.noaa.gov/pub/data.nodc/ghrsst 4. OPeNDAP Server: http://data.nodc.noaa.gov/opendap/ghrsst 5. THREDDS Data Server: http://data.nodc.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/ghrsst/ See the NODC GHRSST Web site: http://ghrsst.nodc.noaa.gov for more information. Files: L4/GLOB/UKMO/OSTIA/2011/057/FGDC-20110226-UKMO-L4HRfnd-GLOB-v01-OSTIA.xml - FGDC metadata record describing the following data files in this accession: 20110226-UKMO-L4HRfnd-GLOB-v01-fv02-OSTIA.nc.bz2 FR-20110226-UKMO-L4HRfnd-GLOB-v01-fv02-OSTIA.xml NODC updates to metadata: 1.1 Citation 8.4 Title: appended " for 2011-02-26 (NODC Accession 0071871)" 1.5.1 Bounding Coordinates: calculated by finding the maximum and minimum range domains for the Latitude and Longitude attributes in this accession's 1 constituent entities identified in section 5: Entity and Attribute Information West Bounding Coordinate: changed from -180.000 to -180.000 East Bounding Coordinate: changed from 180.000 to 180.000 North Bounding Coordinate: changed from 90.000 to 90.000 South Bounding Coordinate: changed from -90.000 to -90.000 6.2 Resource Description: set to "NODC ACCESSION # 0071871" Transfer Size: changed from 15000000 to 6.930 (actual) Transfer Size: changed from 15000000 to 6.930 (actual) Transfer Size: changed from 15000000 to 6.930 (actual) 7.1 Metadata Date: changed from 20041023 to 20110403 7.2 Metadata Review Date: changed from 20041023 to 20110403 7.3 Metadata Future Review Date: changed from 20050331 to 20120403 ***************************************************************** NODC accession number: 0071871 Version: 2.2 Updated on: 2011-11-06 02:26:47 UTC By: Automated Ingest Agent Updates were received for this data set. Updates may provide additional files or replace obsolete files. However, all of the files received prior to this update are available in the preceding version of this accession. Updates received on: 2011-10-22 The RDAC has provided updates to the files in this data set. NODC received the updates from the GDAC on the date shown above. For more information on this update, please contact the Technical Contact for the RDAC, listed in the FGDC metadata record in this directory. Total number of files: 3 Number of new files: 0 Number of changed files: 1 Number of files removed: 0 Changed files: FGDC-20110226-UKMO-L4HRfnd-GLOB-v01-OSTIA.xml NODC updates to metadata: 1.1 Citation 8.4 Title: appended " for 2011-02-26 (NODC Accession 0071871)" 1.5.1 Bounding Coordinates: calculated by finding the maximum and minimum range domains for the Latitude and Longitude attributes in this accession's 1 constituent entities identified in section 5: Entity and Attribute Information West Bounding Coordinate: changed from -180.000 to -180.000 East Bounding Coordinate: changed from 180.000 to 180.000 North Bounding Coordinate: changed from 90.000 to 90.000 South Bounding Coordinate: changed from -90.000 to -90.000 Transfer Size: changed from 15000000 to 6.957 (actual) Transfer Size: changed from 15000000 to 6.957 (actual) Transfer Size: changed from 15000000 to 6.957 (actual) 7.1 Metadata Date: changed from 20041023 to 20111106 7.2 Metadata Review Date: changed from 20041023 to 20111106 7.3 Metadata Future Review Date: changed from 20050331 to 20121106