sitreps directory: still_images directory: There is two sub-directories containing still images of specimens photographed during a dive or collected as specimens during each dive. Still photos of in situ specimens and features are in the subdirectory in-situ/. Still photos of lab specimens are in the subdirectory lab_specimens/. Sub-directories are organized according to dive number. The naming convention for directories is jsl-1_DIVE-NUMBER, eg., jsl-1_4909 is dive 4909 of the Johnson Sea Link I submersible, owned and operated by Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution. The specimen naming convention used for specimens collected during the Florida Coast Deep Corals 2005 (FCDC) expedition is as follows: DAY-MONTH-YEAR-DIVE-SPECIMEN_NUMBER e.g. 8-XI-05-1-7 is specimen seven of dive 1 on 08 November 2005. File names for photographs of specimens (samples) beginning with FCDC-4913 (= 10-XI-05-1) are labelled with the specimen identifier. When more than one photograph exists, a lower case letter is used to indicate additional photos (e.g., 10-XI-05-2-8a, 10-XI-05-2-8b). File names for photographs of specimens (samples) prior to FCDC-4913 (i.e., FCDC-4909 through 4912) are labelled with number generated by the camera used to take the photographs. Specimen photographs were taken by Jerry Harasewych, Smithsonian Institution, using a Nikon digital camera with a variety of lenses and exposure settings. Photo credits from this collection should be cited as: Photo credit S. Brooke, et al, NOAA Ocean Exploration, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, 2005 OR Photo credit S. Brooke, et al, NOAA OE, HBOI, 2005 daily_logs directory: video_logs directory: