***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0052766 Created on: 2009-04-10 19:02:16 UTC By: Donald Collins, National Oceanographic Data Center Source: These data were acquired from Ellyn Montgomery, USGS Woods Hole Data Manager and forwarded to NODC by the Scott Mowery, NODC Northeast Liaison Office. Files in this accession: about/ data/ NODC-Readme.txt ./about: 0-email.txt -- transmittal from Scott Mowery to NODC.DataOfficer 0052766_lonlat.txt -- Text file with longitude and latitude coordinates for the location where instruments were deployed for the Argo Merchant Experiment. 0052766_map.jpg -- Figure depicting the location of the sampling area. 76048_metadata.txt -- FGDC description from Scott Mowery 76048_metadata.doc -- FGDC description from Scott Mowery 76048_metadata.xml -- FGDC description from Scott Mowery Basic_Sampling_Interval.csv -- Metadata for NetCDF files in the ./data/0-data/Basic_Sampling_Interval directory. Hourly_Averaged_Data.csv -- Metadata for NetCDF files in the ./data/0-data/Hourly_Averaged_Data directory. journal.txt -- this file ./data: 0-data/ ./data/0-data: 76048.kml -- Google Earth file for the WHITEFOOT cruise 76048_cruise_rpt.pdf -- Cruise report for the WHITEFOOT cruise ARGO_MERCHANT.kml -- Google Earth file depicting the locations where data were collected for the Argo Merchant experiment. post_field_activity_info_76048.html -- String dump with metadata. ./data/0-data/Basic_Sampling_Interval: NetCDF files: 1211-AA.cdf, 1211P-A.cdf, 1211TR-A.cdf ./data/0-data/Hourly_Averaged_Data: NetCDF files: 1211-A1H.cdf, 1211P-A1H.cdf, 1211TR-A1H.cdf