The following shows how the data were exported to ASCII files from the "wera" struct array. Mr. Patrick Caldwell, NODC January 22, 2007 (note the >> are the cursor prompt in matlab) List data array >> whos Name Size Bytes Class wera 1x1 52142480 struct array >> wera wera = U: [14x15x6201 double] V: [14x15x6201 double] UU: [14x15x6201 double] UV: [14x15x6201 double] VV: [14x15x6201 double] x: [1x15 double] y: [14x1 double] t: [1x6201 double] xkoo: -158.1230 ykoo: 21.3265 xkna: -158.2578 ykna: 21.5660 readme: [22x59 char] Export Data >> fid=fopen('wera_U.txt','w'); >> fprintf(fid,'%8.4f\n',wera.U); >> fclose(fid) Note: wera_U.txt contains a single column. For where and when, see wera_x.txt, wera_y.txt, and wera_t.txt, respectively. The wera.U three-dimensional array was written out as 1. the first 14 lines in the file are row 1-14, 1st column, 1st time, ie., wera.U(1:14,1,1) 2. the next 14 lines in the file are row 1-14, 2nd column, 1st time, ie., wera.U(1:14,2,1) 3. this repeated until all columns for time=1 was completed 4. then it repeats again, wera.U(1:14,1,2), now for second time, etc. Next, repeat, the fopen, fprintf for each data array in struct array "wera". Note: >> fid=fopen('wera_x.txt','w'); >> fprintf(fid,'%11.6f\n',wera.x); >> fclose(fid); (similar for wera_y) Note: for time, wera.t, stored as Serial date number. Date numbers are serial days where 1 corresponds to 1-Jan-0000. convert to year, month, day, hour, min, sec >> dtg=datevec(wera.t); >> whos Name Size Bytes Class dtg 6201x6 297648 double array save wera_t.txt dtg -ascii