***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0002569 Created on: 2006-02-10 10:06:27 -0500 By: Francis Mitchell, National Oceanographic Data Center Source: Paul Blankinship, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), submitted these data to NODC on a CD. Files: about/ This directory contains files generated by NODC with ancillary information about the data submission. 0002569_lonlat.txt - Sampling locations for these data (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). 0002569_map.jpg - Sampling location map for these data. 0-email.txt - Email from Paul Blankinship, SAIC, stating that the NDBC C-MAN station BURL1 data that was included with submission, but falls outside the date range of project, is concidered ancillary data and should be kept with accession. data/0-data/ Under this directory are the original files as submitted by SAIC to NODC. NOTE - The NDBC C-MAN station BURL1 data included in this accession falls outside the date range of this project but is being included at the request of submitter. For more information see 0-email.txt. data/1-data/ This directory contains files that were converted by NODC from their originally submitted format under the data/0-data/ directory to an archival format. *.cdl - NODC created these Common Data form Language files, which are in a plain ASCII/text file format, from binary netCDF data files by using Unidata's ncdump program.