DeSoto Canyon Eddy Intrusion Study

Hydrographic Cruises

CTD data were collected on all seven (7) deployment and rotation cruises for the moorings.  The cruises were at 4-month intervals between March 1997 and April 1999.  The initial standard grid was 75 station, but this was increased to 80 stations in November 1997 in order to get better coverage of the shelf-break region.  In December 1998, seven (7) additional stations were added at the head of the DeSoto Canyon as part of a feature survey.  The stations for this December 1998 survey are shown in the image.  This latter survey (PE9923) had problems with the conductivity sensor on the SeaBird 911 CTD and the salinity data has been discarded for this cruise.  Data QA/QC and the netcdf file organization are given  here.