ctd LMG0301 jan 6, 2003 - feb 1, 2003 Vertical profiles of ocean data using a ctd s87: pressure [db] temperature, ITS-90 [deg C] salinity, PSS-78 [PSU] 92 stations over 27 days from the 200-600 line offshore stations. The CTD system on the RV L.M.Gould is a SeaBird SBE9/11 with dual pumped temperature and conductivity sensors. SeaBird software (SEASOFT) is used. The programs were run as follows. Alignctd was not used because the data were already aligned. datcnv wildedit - flag for removal wild points celltm - remove conductivity cell thermal mass effects filter - lowpass filter pressure & conductivity data loopedit - flag for removal ship roll effects via pressure binavg - average all data onto 1 db. intervals derive - (salinity, density, depth) CTD casts were taken on the standard LTER grid in accord with proposed sampling strategy. temperature, salinity, ctd, pressure s87: Columnar ascii files with LDEO's s87 format header (4 lines) TCCPP SSSS CC SDD.DDDD SDDD.DDDD YYYY/MM/DD YDA HH:MM CRUISE_ID $ Comment Line $ Comment Line @ column definitions (PR TE SA) T - data type (C: ctd, B: bottle, A: axbt, X: xbt) CC - NODC country code of the platform PP - NODC platform code SSSS - station number CC - cast number SDD.DDDD - latitude in decimal degrees (S; sign, + optional) SDDD.DDDD - longitude in decimal degrees YY/MM/DD - date, year/month/day YDA - year-day for year of collection HH:MM - time, hour:minutes CRUISE_ID - optional cruise identifier, one word PR - pressure column (decibars) TE - temperature (degrees C) SA - salinity http://oceaninformatics.ucsd.edu/datazoo/pallter/ c2003jjjz.s87 jjj = julian day z = character representing cast number of that day Douglas G. Martinson, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, NY Richard A. Iannuzzi, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory iannuzzi@ldeo.columbia.edu Raytheon Polar Services Raytheon Polar Services Raw data logged electronically. Richard A. Iannuzzi Richard A. Iannuzzi 18 Jan 2005 - online LTER 27 Feb 2008 - NODC 16 Sep 2005 - online LTER 08 Dec 2006 - online LTER (removed duplicate file 2003021e.std & 2003028d.std) SeaBird CTD conductivity, temperature, depth recorder operating manual. CTD Data Acquisition Software, SEASOFT SeaBird (206)643-9954; Pressure Sensor SBE9plus 53952 calibrated by Seabird 29-Jun-2001 Temperature Sensors were checked for drift between Seabird calibrations with the following results: For Primary Temperature Sensor S/N 2470 Seabird pre-cruise calibration date 25-Jun-2002 Seabird post-cruise calibration date 11-Mar-2003 Average sensor drift -0.00046 Degrees C/year Slope = 1.0000065 & Offset = -0.0003456 Needed 3 con files because of sensor changes. Scaled, SEACON values are below Casts Events J. Day Slope Offset 01-16 007-122 06-09 1.000005 -0.000265 17-60 137-525 10-22 1.000005 -0.000275 61-93 534-729 22-32 1.000005 -0.000285 For Secondary Temperature Sensor S/N 2444 Seabird pre-cruise calibration date 22-Jun-2002 Seabird post-cruise calibration date 11-Mar-2003 Average Sensor Drift -0.00088 Degrees C/year Slope = 1.0000260 & Offset = -0.0007112 Needed 3 con files because of sensor changes. Scaled, SEACON values are below Casts Events J. Day Slope Offset 01-16 007-122 06-09 1.000020 -0.000540 17-60 137-525 10-22 1.000021 -0.000570 61-93 534-729 22-32 1.000022 -0.000590 Without post cruise calibrations, below the permanent pycnocline, the temperature difference (Tsec - Tpri) was about 0.001 Degrees C. Conductivity Sensors were checked for drift between Seabird calibrations with the following results: For Primary Conductivity Sensor S/N 2065 Seabird pre-cruise calibration date 25-Jun-2002 Seabird post-cruise calibration date 11-Mar-2003 Average sensor drift -0.00026 (S/m)/year Slope = 0.9999384 Needed 3 con files because of sensor changes. Scaled, SEACON values are below Casts Events J. Day Con file Slope 01-16 007-122 06-09 LMG0301A 0.999953 17-60 137-525 10-22 LMG0301B 0.999951 61-93 534-729 22-32 LMG0301C 0.999948 For Secondary Conductivity Sensor S/N 2047 Seabird pre-cruise calibration date 25-Jul-2002 Seabird post-cruise calibration date 11-Mar-2003 Average sensor drift 0.00034 (S/m)/year Slope = 1.0000896 Needed 3 con files because of sensor changes. Scaled, SEACON values are below Casts Events J. Day Slope 01-16 007-122 06-09 1.000065 17-60 137-525 10-22 1.000069 61-93 534-729 22-32 1.000072 Without post cruise calibrations, below the permanent pycnocline, the conductivity difference (Csec - Cpri) was about -0.001 S/m. Core measurments available after two years. Citation acknowledgement: "Data from the Palmer LTER data archive were supported by Office of Polar Programs, NSF (OPP-9011927)."
Datafile Form V1.3 for describing a data file.