anemone_ > ftp Connected to 220 grey FTP server (WARNING: All FTP Sessions are logged. If you do not agree this please disconnect now. ) ready. 500 'AUTH GSSAPI': command not understood. 500 'AUTH KERBEROS_V4': command not understood. KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type Name ( nodc 331 Password required for nodc. Password: 230 User nodc logged in. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> ftp> ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. anemone_ > ftp Connected to 220 grey FTP server (WARNING: All FTP Sessions are logged. If you do not agree this please disconnect now. ) ready. 500 'AUTH GSSAPI': command not understood. 500 'AUTH KERBEROS_V4': command not understood. KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type Name ( nodc 331 Password required for nodc. Password: 230 User nodc logged in. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> ls 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,193) 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,51337) (0 bytes). total 12 drwx------ 4 nodc nodc 512 Feb 1 14:54 . drwxr-xr-t 11 root other 512 Jan 7 17:49 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 nodc nodc 582 Jan 7 17:49 .profile -rw------- 1 nodc nodc 374 Feb 1 14:58 .sh_history drwx------ 2 nodc nodc 1024 Feb 1 14:55 RAN_2002_2 drwx------ 2 nodc nodc 1024 Feb 1 14:56 RAN_2003 226 ASCII Transfer complete. ftp> cd RAN_2002_2 250 CWD command successful. ftp> ls 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,194) 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,51338) (0 bytes). total 7494 drwx------ 2 nodc nodc 1024 Feb 1 14:55 . drwx------ 4 nodc nodc 512 Feb 1 14:54 .. -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 25086 Feb 1 14:55 01038RS.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 191927 Feb 1 14:55 01039RS.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 235474 Feb 1 14:55 01040RS.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 19028 Feb 1 14:55 02001SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 315860 Feb 1 14:55 02002AD.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 221910 Feb 1 14:55 02003AN.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 30989 Feb 1 14:55 02004SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 206229 Feb 1 14:55 02005CA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 115638 Feb 1 14:55 02006CA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 31629 Feb 1 14:55 02007SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 24894 Feb 1 14:55 02008SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 69741 Feb 1 14:55 02009SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 66116 Feb 1 14:55 02010SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 120754 Feb 1 14:55 02011AN.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 123799 Feb 1 14:55 02012ME.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 14710 Feb 1 14:55 02013WA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 14318 Feb 1 14:55 02014SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 8733 Feb 1 14:55 02015SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 106616 Feb 1 14:55 02016SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 56375 Feb 1 14:55 02017SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 73827 Feb 1 14:55 02018WA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 36664 Feb 1 14:55 02019SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 78348 Feb 1 14:55 02020SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 131832 Feb 1 14:55 02021SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 149847 Feb 1 14:55 02022WA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 313122 Feb 1 14:55 02023WA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 119185 Feb 1 14:55 02024AN.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 89139 Feb 1 14:55 02025AN.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 119872 Feb 1 14:55 02025RS.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 224730 Feb 1 14:55 02026RS.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 270619 Feb 1 14:55 02027RS.p3.gz 226 ASCII Transfer complete. ftp> prompt Interactive mode off. ftp> mget *.gz local: 01038RS.p3.gz remote: 01038RS.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,196) 150 Binary data connection for 01038RS.p3.gz (,51340) (25086 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 25086 bytes received in 2.3 seconds (11 Kbytes/s) local: 01039RS.p3.gz remote: 01039RS.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,197) 150 Binary data connection for 01039RS.p3.gz (,51341) (191927 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 191927 bytes received in 13 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 01040RS.p3.gz remote: 01040RS.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,198) 150 Binary data connection for 01040RS.p3.gz (,51342) (235474 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 235474 bytes received in 16 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 02001SY.p3.gz remote: 02001SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,199) 150 Binary data connection for 02001SY.p3.gz (,51343) (19028 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 19028 bytes received in 1.8 seconds (10 Kbytes/s) local: 02002AD.p3.gz remote: 02002AD.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,200) 150 Binary data connection for 02002AD.p3.gz (,51344) (315860 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 315860 bytes received in 24 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 02003AN.p3.gz remote: 02003AN.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,201) 150 Binary data connection for 02003AN.p3.gz (,51345) (221910 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 221910 bytes received in 17 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 02004SY.p3.gz remote: 02004SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,202) 150 Binary data connection for 02004SY.p3.gz (,51346) (30989 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 30989 bytes received in 2.3 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 02005CA.p3.gz remote: 02005CA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,203) 150 Binary data connection for 02005CA.p3.gz (,51347) (206229 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 206229 bytes received in 26 seconds (7.6 Kbytes/s) local: 02006CA.p3.gz remote: 02006CA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,204) 150 Binary data connection for 02006CA.p3.gz (,51348) (115638 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 115638 bytes received in 9.2 seconds (12 Kbytes/s) local: 02007SY.p3.gz remote: 02007SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,205) 150 Binary data connection for 02007SY.p3.gz (,51349) (31629 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 31629 bytes received in 2.3 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 02008SY.p3.gz remote: 02008SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,206) 150 Binary data connection for 02008SY.p3.gz (,51350) (24894 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 24894 bytes received in 2 seconds (12 Kbytes/s) local: 02009SY.p3.gz remote: 02009SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,207) 150 Binary data connection for 02009SY.p3.gz (,51351) (69741 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 69741 bytes received in 5.3 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 02010SY.p3.gz remote: 02010SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,208) 150 Binary data connection for 02010SY.p3.gz (,51352) (66116 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 66116 bytes received in 4.9 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 02011AN.p3.gz remote: 02011AN.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,209) 150 Binary data connection for 02011AN.p3.gz (,51353) (120754 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 120754 bytes received in 8.2 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 02012ME.p3.gz remote: 02012ME.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,210) 150 Binary data connection for 02012ME.p3.gz (,51354) (123799 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 123799 bytes received in 9.4 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 02013WA.p3.gz remote: 02013WA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,211) 150 Binary data connection for 02013WA.p3.gz (,51355) (14710 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 14710 bytes received in 0.98 seconds (15 Kbytes/s) local: 02014SY.p3.gz remote: 02014SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,212) 150 Binary data connection for 02014SY.p3.gz (,51356) (14318 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 14318 bytes received in 1.2 seconds (12 Kbytes/s) local: 02015SY.p3.gz remote: 02015SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,213) 150 Binary data connection for 02015SY.p3.gz (,51357) (8733 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 8733 bytes received in 1.1 seconds (7.8 Kbytes/s) local: 02016SY.p3.gz remote: 02016SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,214) 150 Binary data connection for 02016SY.p3.gz (,51358) (106616 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 106616 bytes received in 8.4 seconds (12 Kbytes/s) local: 02017SY.p3.gz remote: 02017SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,215) 150 Binary data connection for 02017SY.p3.gz (,51359) (56375 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 56375 bytes received in 4 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 02018WA.p3.gz remote: 02018WA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,216) 150 Binary data connection for 02018WA.p3.gz (,51360) (73827 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 73827 bytes received in 5.2 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 02019SY.p3.gz remote: 02019SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,217) 150 Binary data connection for 02019SY.p3.gz (,51361) (36664 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 36664 bytes received in 2.6 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 02020SY.p3.gz remote: 02020SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,218) 150 Binary data connection for 02020SY.p3.gz (,51362) (78348 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 78348 bytes received in 5.5 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 02021SY.p3.gz remote: 02021SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,223) 150 Binary data connection for 02021SY.p3.gz (,51363) (131832 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 131832 bytes received in 10 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 02022WA.p3.gz remote: 02022WA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,224) 150 Binary data connection for 02022WA.p3.gz (,51364) (149847 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 149847 bytes received in 11 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 02023WA.p3.gz remote: 02023WA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,225) 150 Binary data connection for 02023WA.p3.gz (,51365) (313122 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 313122 bytes received in 25 seconds (12 Kbytes/s) local: 02024AN.p3.gz remote: 02024AN.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,226) 150 Binary data connection for 02024AN.p3.gz (,51366) (119185 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 119185 bytes received in 14 seconds (8.3 Kbytes/s) local: 02025AN.p3.gz remote: 02025AN.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,227) 150 Binary data connection for 02025AN.p3.gz (,51367) (89139 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 89139 bytes received in 9.2 seconds (9.4 Kbytes/s) local: 02025RS.p3.gz remote: 02025RS.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,228) 150 Binary data connection for 02025RS.p3.gz (,51368) (119872 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 119872 bytes received in 11 seconds (10 Kbytes/s) local: 02026RS.p3.gz remote: 02026RS.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,229) 150 Binary data connection for 02026RS.p3.gz (,51369) (224730 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 224730 bytes received in 28 seconds (7.7 Kbytes/s) local: 02027RS.p3.gz remote: 02027RS.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,230) 150 Binary data connection for 02027RS.p3.gz (,51370) (270619 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 270619 bytes received in 22 seconds (12 Kbytes/s) ftp> ls 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,231) 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,51371) (0 bytes). total 7494 ftp> cd RAN_2003 250 CWD command successful. ftp> ftp> ls 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,233) 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,51373) (0 bytes). total 8220 drwx------ 2 nodc nodc 1024 Feb 1 14:56 . drwx------ 4 nodc nodc 512 Feb 1 14:54 .. -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 86828 Feb 1 14:56 03001WA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 41404 Feb 1 14:56 03002SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 22044 Feb 1 14:56 03003SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 89932 Feb 1 14:56 03004WA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 40442 Feb 1 14:56 03005SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 154736 Feb 1 14:56 03006AN.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 17241 Feb 1 14:56 03007AD.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 225684 Feb 1 14:56 03008CA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 47351 Feb 1 14:56 03009ST.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 78037 Feb 1 14:56 03010AD.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 121427 Feb 1 14:56 03011NE.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 172766 Feb 1 14:56 03012AR.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 184357 Feb 1 14:56 03013ME.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 44875 Feb 1 14:56 03014LE.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 24167 Feb 1 14:56 03015ME.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 156857 Feb 1 14:56 03016WA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 86947 Feb 1 14:56 03017AR.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 120451 Feb 1 14:56 03018ST.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 21765 Feb 1 14:56 03019SY.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 339437 Feb 1 14:56 03020WA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 76160 Feb 1 14:56 03021AN.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 31820 Feb 1 14:56 03022PA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 265312 Feb 1 14:56 03023ME.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 217080 Feb 1 14:56 03024PA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 400878 Feb 1 14:56 03025DA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 48490 Feb 1 14:56 03026ML.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 217050 Feb 1 14:56 03027WA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 214063 Feb 1 14:56 03029ST.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 68020 Feb 1 14:56 03030AN.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 107575 Feb 1 14:56 03031CA.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 265312 Feb 1 14:56 03032ME.p3.gz -rwx------ 1 nodc nodc 21698 Feb 1 14:56 03033AR.p3.gz 226 ASCII Transfer complete. ftp> 226 ASCII Transfer complete. ftp> mget *.gz local: 03001WA.p3.gz remote: 03001WA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,235) 150 Binary data connection for 03001WA.p3.gz (,51377) (86828 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 86828 bytes received in 8.5 seconds (10 Kbytes/s) local: 03002SY.p3.gz remote: 03002SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,236) 150 Binary data connection for 03002SY.p3.gz (,51378) (41404 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 41404 bytes received in 2.9 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03003SY.p3.gz remote: 03003SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,237) 150 Binary data connection for 03003SY.p3.gz (,51379) (22044 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 22044 bytes received in 1.7 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 03004WA.p3.gz remote: 03004WA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,238) 150 Binary data connection for 03004WA.p3.gz (,51380) (89932 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 89932 bytes received in 6.2 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03005SY.p3.gz remote: 03005SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,239) 150 Binary data connection for 03005SY.p3.gz (,51381) (40442 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 40442 bytes received in 2.9 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 03006AN.p3.gz remote: 03006AN.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,240) 150 Binary data connection for 03006AN.p3.gz (,51382) (154736 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 154736 bytes received in 11 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03007AD.p3.gz remote: 03007AD.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,241) 150 Binary data connection for 03007AD.p3.gz (,51383) (17241 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 17241 bytes received in 1.7 seconds (9.9 Kbytes/s) local: 03008CA.p3.gz remote: 03008CA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,242) 150 Binary data connection for 03008CA.p3.gz (,51384) (225684 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 225684 bytes received in 16 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03009ST.p3.gz remote: 03009ST.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,243) 150 Binary data connection for 03009ST.p3.gz (,51385) (47351 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 47351 bytes received in 3.4 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03010AD.p3.gz remote: 03010AD.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,244) 150 Binary data connection for 03010AD.p3.gz (,51386) (78037 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 78037 bytes received in 5.4 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03011NE.p3.gz remote: 03011NE.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,245) 150 Binary data connection for 03011NE.p3.gz (,51387) (121427 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 121427 bytes received in 9.4 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 03012AR.p3.gz remote: 03012AR.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,246) 150 Binary data connection for 03012AR.p3.gz (,51388) (172766 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 172766 bytes received in 13 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 03013ME.p3.gz remote: 03013ME.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,247) 150 Binary data connection for 03013ME.p3.gz (,51389) (184357 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 184357 bytes received in 16 seconds (11 Kbytes/s) local: 03014LE.p3.gz remote: 03014LE.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,248) 150 Binary data connection for 03014LE.p3.gz (,51390) (44875 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 44875 bytes received in 3.3 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 03015ME.p3.gz remote: 03015ME.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,249) 150 Binary data connection for 03015ME.p3.gz (,51391) (24167 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 24167 bytes received in 1.9 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 03016WA.p3.gz remote: 03016WA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,250) 150 Binary data connection for 03016WA.p3.gz (,51392) (156857 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 156857 bytes received in 11 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03017AR.p3.gz remote: 03017AR.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,251) 150 Binary data connection for 03017AR.p3.gz (,51393) (86947 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 86947 bytes received in 6.1 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03018ST.p3.gz remote: 03018ST.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,252) 150 Binary data connection for 03018ST.p3.gz (,51394) (120451 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 120451 bytes received in 8.7 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 03019SY.p3.gz remote: 03019SY.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,253) 150 Binary data connection for 03019SY.p3.gz (,51395) (21765 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 21765 bytes received in 1.7 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 03020WA.p3.gz remote: 03020WA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,254) 150 Binary data connection for 03020WA.p3.gz (,51396) (339437 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 339437 bytes received in 23 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03021AN.p3.gz remote: 03021AN.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,145,255) 150 Binary data connection for 03021AN.p3.gz (,51397) (76160 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 76160 bytes received in 7.7 seconds (9.7 Kbytes/s) local: 03022PA.p3.gz remote: 03022PA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,0) 150 Binary data connection for 03022PA.p3.gz (,51398) (31820 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 31820 bytes received in 2.5 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) local: 03023ME.p3.gz remote: 03023ME.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,1) 150 Binary data connection for 03023ME.p3.gz (,51399) (265312 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 265312 bytes received in 22 seconds (12 Kbytes/s) local: 03024PA.p3.gz remote: 03024PA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,2) 150 Binary data connection for 03024PA.p3.gz (,51400) (217080 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 217080 bytes received in 16 seconds (14 Kbytes/s) local: 03025DA.p3.gz remote: 03025DA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,3) 150 Binary data connection for 03025DA.p3.gz (,51401) (400878 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 400878 bytes received in 40 seconds (9.7 Kbytes/s) local: 03026ML.p3.gz remote: 03026ML.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,4) 150 Binary data connection for 03026ML.p3.gz (,51402) (48490 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 48490 bytes received in 4.8 seconds (9.9 Kbytes/s) local: 03027WA.p3.gz remote: 03027WA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,5) 150 Binary data connection for 03027WA.p3.gz (,51403) (217050 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 217050 bytes received in 24 seconds (8.7 Kbytes/s) local: 03029ST.p3.gz remote: 03029ST.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,6) 150 Binary data connection for 03029ST.p3.gz (,51407) (214063 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 214063 bytes received in 21 seconds (9.9 Kbytes/s) local: 03030AN.p3.gz remote: 03030AN.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,7) 150 Binary data connection for 03030AN.p3.gz (,51411) (68020 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 68020 bytes received in 9.9 seconds (6.7 Kbytes/s) local: 03031CA.p3.gz remote: 03031CA.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,8) 150 Binary data connection for 03031CA.p3.gz (,51413) (107575 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 107575 bytes received in 16 seconds (6.6 Kbytes/s) local: 03032ME.p3.gz remote: 03032ME.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,9) 150 Binary data connection for 03032ME.p3.gz (,51414) (265312 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 265312 bytes received in 21 seconds (12 Kbytes/s) local: 03033AR.p3.gz remote: 03033AR.p3.gz 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,142,159,186,146,10) 150 Binary data connection for 03033AR.p3.gz (,51415) (21698 bytes). 226 Binary Transfer complete. 21698 bytes received in 1.8 seconds (12 Kbytes/s) ftp>