Subject: ARCHIVE DATA for JUNE and JULY 2008 From: Robert Weir Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 09:20:19 -0500 To: Steven Rutz , Alan Hall , Alan Cialone , Thomas Ryan , Eric Freeman , Richard Thayer , Robert Weir , Rex Hervey To all: Thanks to Thomas Ryan who discovered a glitch in our ARCH file extraction process. We have reworked the files for JUN2008 and JUL2008 and believe that all is well. The cause of this glitch is not known, so (going forward) I will have to keep a close eye on the individual file sizes and each composite ARCH file before posting them to our FTP/COMMS servers. Thomas also noted a problem with station 42002 in the MAR2008_ARCH1 file. It is a complicated story of trying to merge several files into one. Bottom line, I blew it. I have re-extracted the single station file and along with the new JUN and JUL ARCH files. They are available on our COMMS servers. If any additional problems are identified, please let me know. Like others elsewhere, we have had to endure changes to our systems and processes that can (and probably do) affect the extraction and creation of these files. If I can stay vigilant, I should be able to keep these files clean. If not, please let me know ASAP. Thanks again, Bob >