-- CCHDO Cruise Inventory UNKNOWN COMMAND LINE ARGUMENT (_131119) ---------- Usage: [flags] * Flags may be in any order, flags may be upper or lower case * Space between flag and parameter is optional * Requires -ctd|-bot|-all -path filepath (Read 'data' directory starting at this path) (Default data path = Current Directory listed below) -data datadir (use 'datadir' as directory in place of default 'data') -subdata dir (use 'dir' as subdir of datadir instead of default '1-data') -ctd (CTD ct1 report) -bot (BOTTLE hy1 report) -all (Both CTD and BOTTLE report) -v (or -verb) (Verbose: prints diagnostics) -csv (Comma separated values; Default is Text) -h (or -help) (Prints this message) * CWD (CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY) = /nodc/projects/gtspp/data/Process/CCHDO * DEFAULT DATA PATH = /nodc/projects/gtspp/data/Process/CCHDO/data