Subject: Data submission Resent-From: Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 14:54:12 -0400 From: To: Hi We have been involved in the CARIACO program (funded by NSF) since 1995 and have periodically sent in data for our component of this project. I attach two more files in the same format we have used before. Let me know if it is important that I put this into the format listed on the web page. It is sort of different and the files are small. However, I will redo it if that is important to your data availability program. Also let me know if there are things that should have been included but were not. Mary (See attached file: NODC-CAR66.csv)(See attached file: NODC-CAR74.csv)(See attached file: NODC addendum_3.txt) Mary I. Scranton Marine Sciences Research Center Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000 631-632-8735 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: NODC-CAR66.csv NODC-CAR66.csv Type: Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File (application/x-unknown-content-type-Excel.CSV) Encoding: base64 Name: NODC-CAR74.csv NODC-CAR74.csv Type: Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File (application/x-unknown-content-type-Excel.CSV) Encoding: base64 Name: NODC addendum_3.txt NODC addendum_3.txt Type: Plain Text (text/plain) Encoding: base64