This is the standard bundle for National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) accession data. Each accession maintained by NODC is given a unique integer identifier known as an 'accession id'. All information related to that accession is contained within a directory using the accession id as the directory name. The accession directory has the following standard structure: : This directory NODC-Readme.txt: This file. about: Directory. Contains all accession related metadata including but not limited to the following two standard files. journal.txt: Text file. Contains any notes, correspondence etc. relating to this accession. .md5: Text file: contains MD5 checksums for all files in this accession except for the .md5 file itself. other metadata: ... data: Directory. All accession data is located in the 'data' directory. 0-data: Directory. Contains the originator's data unmodified from its intial digital format as submitted to NODC. The initial source for this data should be documented in the header of the: /about/journal.txt file after the keyword, 'Source'. 1-data: Optional directory. May contain processed version of originator's data from '0-data' directory. E.g. unzipped, uncompressed, untarred, or otherwise extracted or modified data. A note should be found in /about/journal.txt explaining how files in 1-data were derived from the files in 0-data. -data: Optional directories. Additional processed forms of originators data. Similar to 1-data above. For further information about this accession see: ./about/journal.txt README: ALPHAZOO.CSV FILENAME: Drift_Station_Alpha ACCESSION NUMBER: INSTITUTE: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California PROJECT: U.S. Air Force / International Geophysical Year SUBMITTING INVESTIGATOR: Johnson, Martin W. PRIMARY INVESTIGATORS: Zooplankton: Johnson, Maritn W. DATA TYPE: # Measurements Zooplankton Abundance #/haul 728 DATA RECIEVED THROUGH: Digitized onsite, Ocean Climate Laboratory SUBMITTING CONTACT: Michelle Levesque, DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/OCL COMMENTS: These data were digitized on site at the Ocean Climate Laboratory from the paper: Johnson, Martin W. 1963. Zooplankton collections from the High Polar Basin with special reference to the Copepoda. Limol. Oceanogr. 8(1): 89-102. The samples for this study were collected from Drift Station Alpha by Dr. T. Saunders English, University of Washington, formerly of the Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory, Ladd Air Force Base, Alaska, USA. The samples were obtained by a series of net hauls, sampling various depths along the drift route of the ice floe "Drift Station Alpha" a.k.a. "Ice Skate Alpha" during 1957-1958, within the large cyclonic gyral involving the northern part of the Beaufort Sea. This station was established by the U.S. Air Force in connection with the International Geophysical Year. The analyses of the samples were concerned mainly with the copepods.