National Information Centre for Textile and Allied Subjects

State-of-the-Art Reports Series

Cover page view State-of-the-Art Report - 3

Rayon Industry in India

Author : Dr. B. H. Chalishazar

Published in 1992

The Report :

The report deals with the development of the Rayon Industry in the world as well as in India. It discusses in general the process of manufacture, properties of the finished products, and their use in textile and industrial sectors. It gives an idea about the export potential, problems faced by this industry and its future prospects.

This publication is a state of the art report on the Rayon Industry in India which rapidly expanded in the fifties and sixties. The industry started exporting in the last 5-6 years and the possibility exists for large exports to European countries and other markets. In those countries the Rayon Industry is closing down their facilities due to the high investment they have to incur for combating pollution which makes the production completely uneconomical.

The report also deals with the development of the man made fiber industry and synthetic fiber industry in the world and India's adoption of Viscose Rayon-filament, fiber and industrial yarn. This Industry rapidly advanced in the fifties and sixties and started to level off from the seventies onwards.

Chapter 2 & 3 deal with the manufacturing processes used, raw materials required and their availability in India. Chapter 4 gives the properties of the finished products and their use in the textile and industrial sectors and probable new applications. Chapter 5 reviews the development taking place in the industry in the world. Chapter 6 gives data about the export and import of VFY and VSF into India and discusses the problems faced by the industry in exporting. Chapter 7 gives an idea about the research and development work carried out on process and machineries in India.

Chapter 8 discusses the problems faced by the industry for its survival. The final chapter gives some suggestions for the survival of the industry in the next decade. A list of pertinent references are given at the end of the book.

This authoritative and detailed compilation provides a good database alongwith an interesting analysis which will prove useful to a wide range of readership including :

Book covering all this in viii + 82 pages including tables.

The Authors :

Dr. B. H. Chalishazar obtained his Bachelor's degree in Chemistry and Physics in 1948 from Gujarat College, Ahmedabad, University of Bombay. In 1950 he passed B.Sc. (Tech.) in Chemical Engineering from U.D.C.T., University of Bombay. He went on to do his Ph.D. in Fuels from Manchester in 1954. He is the recipient of two awards viz., Sir M. N. Technical Scholarship for students abroad by University of Bombay, 1951 and Assistantship by Manchester College of Technology, 1953. He was the Managing Director of The National Rayon Corporation Ltd., Bombay. At present he is a consultant based at Ahmedabad.

Price* per copy : In INDIA : Rs. 140.00 - Outside INDIA : US $ 20

* including postal + registration charges.

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