Dataset of velocity Velocity data measured by ADCP are opened on the FTP ( and WWW ( server, after processed on the line described in a separate document. These data are archived in datasets. In this document, the name, form and format of these dataset are described in detail. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Name One dataset contains velocity data for one track of a cruise. Here ``cruise'' presents a cruise of round trip from Japan to Japan. ``Track'' means a ship track from one port to another port during this cruise. For example, if the ship stops by three ports, Port A, Port B and Port C before comes back to Japan, we distinguish the following four tracks: the track from Japan to port A, the track from port A to port B, the track from port B to Port C, and the track from Port C to Japan. These tracks are labeled as A, B, C and D in order. Each cruise is identified by a number 001, 002, 003, from the first cruise in order. The name of a dataset begins with the word ``w'', which is named after the initial letter of ``Western Pacific ADCP Program''. This ``w'' is followed by the year and month of a measurement, and a cruise identification number. The extension of a file is the label of a track and a version of data processing. For example, we have two datasets, w9701002.a10 w9702002.b10 for the second cruise. Here ``9701'' (``9702'') shows that this data was measured in January (February) 1997, and ``002'' shows the cruise identification number. ``a'' (``b'') in the extension indicates the ship track from Japan to Australia, (from Australia to Japan), and ``10'' represents that the version of the data processing is 1.0. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Form The dataset is composed of many lines of ASCII codes, where each line ends up by new-line code (hexadecimal code 0A) as in Unix-like operating system. Each data file is compressed by GNU gzip archiver. So you can read it by a text editor after you decompress it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Format The dataset contains header data and N sets of velocity data at each location on the track. Here N is the total number of the data, which is recorded in the header data. Table I and II show the format of header data and velocity data, respectively. In these tables, Format is described by the format statement of FORTRAN77. That is, In means n digits of integer, and An means n characters. Fn.m is a floating point, the total length of which is n and the digit below the point is m . 1X means single space. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table I. Format of Header Data \begin{tabular}{c\vert c\vert p{3.5cm}\vert p{8cm}} \hlineLine & Format & Fie... ...r $N$\space of the data measured on this track.\newline\\ \hline\end{tabular ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table II. Format of one set of Velocity Data. There exist N sets of records of this format. \begin{tabular}{p{0.8cm}\vert p{2.5cm}\vert p{2.5cm}\vert p{8cm}} \hlineLine &... ...m/sec.A value of $-9999$\space means bad data. \newline\\ \hline\end{tabular ----------------------------------------------------------------------------