Metadata from CMDAC Accession 925 Experiment name: Denmark Str Ovfl (ACM8) Principal Investigator: R.Dickson PI's affiliation: MAFF Lowestoft Mooring Name: 9006 Mooring position: 63.622 deg N, 32.927 deg W Instrument depth: 1634 meters Seafloor depth: 2738 meters Times: starts 12 Jul 1990, ends 30 Jul 1991 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 1.50 9.09 25.02 4.58 383.4 temp (deg C) 2.93 3.30 3.68 0.07 383.4 This meter's swivel was fouled by rope; the recorded directions were not useful. The record contains only speed and temperature. A four hour episode of below-threshhold speeds on 14 Mar 91 and a seven hour episode on 30 Mar 91 may be due to rotorcounter failures. The record contains many below-threshhold speeds but these two instances stand out because of their abruptness. Portions of the temperature series starting in Sep 90 and continuing through Jan 91 have an unusual configuration. Use these temperatures with caution. CMDAC has prepared an alternate version of this file in which a speed spike on 19 Mar 91 and another on 26 Jun 91 have been smoothed by linear interpolation. Both the original file and the alternate version are available at this site. Move up one level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------