Metadata from CMDAC Accession 920 Experiment name: Denmark Str Ovfl (ACM8) Principal Investigator: R.Dickson PI's affiliation: MAFF Lowestoft Mooring Name: 9004 Mooring position: 65.255 deg N, 30.848 deg W Instrument depth: 750 meters Seafloor depth: 1200 meters Times: starts 09 Mar 1990, ends 10 Jul 1990 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 1.49 25.95 108.27 16.70 122.8 dir (deg true) 0.10 218.88 359.83 95.05 122.8 u (cm/sec) -107.28 -10.55 59.19 22.35 122.8 v (cm/sec) -73.87 0.95 66.23 18.45 122.8 temp (deg C) 0.15 4.22 5.93 0.73 122.8 CMDAC has prepared an alternate version of this file in which 3 anomalous speed values have been replaced by linear interpolation. Both versions of the record are available at this site. Move up one level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------