Metadata from CMDAC Accession 596 Experiment name: Denmark Str Ovfl (ACM8) Principal Investigator: R.Dickson PI's affiliation: MAFF Mooring Name: 8805 Mooring position: 63.118 deg N, 35.542 deg W Instrument depth: 2509 meters Seafloor depth: 2569 meters Times: starts 04 Jul 1988, ends 29 Jun 1989 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 1.49 17.28 56.38 10.31 359.8 dir (deg true) 0.00 229.45 359.62 59.08 359.8 u (cm/sec) -49.77 -11.11 24.13 11.53 359.8 v (cm/sec) -51.51 -6.84 31.05 10.10 359.8 temp (deg C) 0.62 1.26 2.23 0.26 359.8 The speed series of this record contains several spikes that appear to be instrument errors. CMDAC has prepared an alternate version of the file in which the spikes have been smoothed by linear interpolation. Both versions of the file are available at this site. Move up one level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------