TAPE GEN DATE, MO-DA-YR 04-07-81 TIME- 04:03:26 PM FLOAT GROUP, URI/GSO FROM MASTER POSITION TAPE - LDEPOS 4492 TAPE FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FLOAT TRACKS - University of Rhode Island Tape characteristics: 800 BPI ASCII Lateral parity bit ignored (i.e. neither even nor odd parity) Tape format - 3 records per float per day - tape ordered by float number and within float by day. Record #1 FORMAT(12F10.3) 1. Latitude at 0000Z 2. Longitude at 0000Z 3. Latitude at 0800Z 4. Longitude at 0800Z 5. Latitude at 1600Z 6. Longitude at 1600Z 7. U at 0000Z 8. V at 0000Z 9. U at 0800Z 10. V at 0800Z 11. U at 1600Z 12. V at 1600Z Latitude and longitude are given in degrees and decimal degrees. North and east are positive, and south and west are negative. Velocity is in centimeters per second. Missing data is assigned 999.0. Record #2 FORMAT(9F10.3) 1. Temperature at 0000Z 2. Pressure at 0000Z 3. Temperature at 0000Z 4. Pressure at 0000Z 5. Temperature at 0000Z 6. Pressure at 0000Z 7. Actual temperature (on temperature days only) 8. Actual pressure (on pressure days only) 9. Telemetry transmission time Temperature is given in degrees Centigrade. Pressure is given in decibars. Missing data is assigned -1.0. Transmission time is in seconds. Record #3 FORMAT(8I6,6F10.3,2I6) 1. Float number 2. Julian day 3. Security code of operator who prepared the track 4. Julian day float was tracked 5. Record # of clock correction in TCKTCK file (used only since 4520) 6. Doppler flag (1=Doppler correction used, 0=not used) (used only since 4520) 7. Number of points used to smooth for positions (used only since 4520) 8. Number of points used to smooth for telemetry (used only since 4520) 9. Temperature rate of change at 0000Z 10. Pressure rate of change at 0000Z 11. Temperature rate of change at 0800Z 12. Pressure rate of change at 0800Z 13. Temperature rate of change at 1600Z 14. Pressure rate of change at 1600Z 15. Not used 16. Interpolated signal time of arrival flag Rates of change are per day. Missing data for rates of change is assigned 999.0. If signal time of arrival was interpolated, bit 3=1 for 0000Z, bit 2=1 for 0800Z, and bit 1=1 for 1600Z. End of file is indicated by a float number of -1 (first variable of record #3), followed by an EOF mark.