***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 6400076 Created on: Wed 29 Jan 2003 18:08:08 +0000 By: NODC archive manager Source: Copied from: /usr/nodc/recovered_master_dir/6400076 data/0-data/recovered is originators data recovered by Keith Levinson from flat file databases originally created by Phil Hadsell. data/0-data/opdb is originators data recovered by Keith Levinson from the Ocean Profile Database (OPDB). The subdirectory /data/0-data/recovered of this accession contains data that were reassembled from one or more NODC standard format databases, known as MULDARS (MULti-Discipline Archives Retrieval System) data. MULDARS was operational at NODC from approximately 1970-1995. During this period, most new data were received as or converted to one or more MULDARS standard data formats, with each format known as a "file type". Each "file type" was represented by an alphanumeric identifier - it's "file alias" - such as C100 (for low resolution bottle cast data), F291 (for Meteorology, Oceanography and Wave Spectra from Buoys), etc. The format of each NODC "file alias" is available upon request from the NODC or in NODC accession 0001164. The subdirectory /data/0-data/opdb of this accession contains data that were recovered from a legacy NODC profile data database, the Ocean Profile Data Base (OPDB). The OPDB was operational from approximately 1995-2002. Profile data, primarily data from bottle casts, bathythermographs, and STD/CTD casts were converted from their original formats into the NODC standard "P3" format. However, data in the /opdb directory is structured using standard pre-P3 data formats, i.e., Ocean Station Data (SD2) and Universal Bathythermograph (UBT) format. Details about the "P3", SD2 and UBT formats are available upon request from the NODC or in NODC accession 0001164. NOTE: Much of the data in the /opdb and/or /recovered directories was used in the production of the NODC World Ocean Database products, beginning in 1994. As such, profile data may be duplicated as a result of merging data from NODC originator accessions with data products like the NODC World Ocean Database. ***************************************************************** NODC accession number: 6400076 Version: 1.2 Updated on: 2013-03-18 13:26:33 UTC By: Automated Ingest Agent Updates were received for this data set. Updates may provide additional files or replace obsolete files. However, all of the files received prior to this update are available in the preceding version of this accession. The following informational files were created by NODC staff and programmatically added to the about/ directory of this accession on 2013-03-18. Standardized NODC location metadata were also updated based on this additional information. 6400076_lonlat.txt - Contains sample locations for these data. Each row contains the geographical position where these data were collected (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). NODC may have corrected geographic positions that seemed to be in error when generating this file. However, NODC did not change the original data files under the directory data/0-data/. 6400076_map.jpg - Station location map for these data. Latitude and longitude data has been extracted from the data files in this accession. These data have been used to create a map graphic.