Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 10:41:19 -0400 We are submitting another set of data to you as part of the CARIACO time series program. The files we are sending are small and in the same format as used previously, so we anticipate they are appropriate. Please let us know if there are any problems. There are 7 files: one meta data file with methods descriptions and 6 data files. We hope these data can be added to our earlier submission and to other submissions from colleagues in the CARIACO program (particularly from the group at University of South Florida led by Frank Muller-Karger). Thanks for your help. Mary Scranton (See attached file: meta-file.doc)(See attached file: NODC-CAR66.csv)(See attached file: NODC-CAR74.csv)(See attached file: NODC-CAR78.csv)(See attached file: NODC-CAR89.csv)(See attached file: NODC-CAR96.csv)(See attached file: NODC-CAR100.csv) ************************************************************* Mary I. Scranton Professor and Director, Undergraduate Programs Marine Sciences Research Center Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000 Tel: 631-632-8735 Fax: 631-632-8820