***************************************************************** Tue 25 Feb 2003 07:36:53 -0500: Journal for accession number: 0000934 Created on: Tue 25 Feb 2003 07:36:53 -0500 By: Melanie Hamilton,SSMC3 4661,7133281 123 Source: Marine Environmental Data Services, Ottawa, Canada The following format description and read software are available: -rw-r--r-- 1 melanie accession 11533 Feb 25 07:57 medsascii_update.fmt -rw-r--r-- 1 melanie accession 26380 Feb 25 07:57 readmeds.txt Action(s): (1) The following summary files were copied to the about directory. /nodc/data/ingest/0000934/about -rw-r--r-- 1 melanie accession 360 Feb 25 07:54 200302242003.txt geranium_ > ts_count.pl 200302242003.meds File = 200302242003.meds 1492 Station records 0 Station records with neither TEMP nor PSAL profile 1492 Station records with TEMP or PSAL profile 2771 Profiles 80 Non-(TEMP, PSAL) Profiles Counts of Profiles by type: 40 HCDT 40 HCSP 1199 PSAL 1492 TEMP (2) The following files were copied to the data directory /nodc/data/ingest/0000934/data/0-data -rw-r--r-- 1 melanie accession1743548 Feb 25 07:35 200302242003.meds