PROGRAM REFORMAT c c This program will read stations headers from stations_list c and bottle or CTD data from ALBATROSS-???-nodc.asc and c produce files that contain the information from these files c c R. A. Locarnini, OCL/NODC/NOAA, 8 January 2003 c integer idat, ibsta, icsta integer ista, iday, imon, iyea, ihou, imin, ilat, ilon, isam c real*8 rlat, rlon real*8 rhead(15), rdat(12), rbot(30,12), rctd(7) c character*1 clath, clonh character*4 cship, ccrid c clath(1:1) = 'S' clonh(1:1) = 'W' cship(1:4) = '74JC' ccrid(1:4) = 'JR40' c c Assigns value for year variable iyea = 1999 c c Asks what type of data will be processed 5 write (*,*) 'Enter 1 for Bottle data, 2 for CTD data' read (*,*) idat c c Opens file that will contain header information and data if ( idat .eq. 1 ) then OPEN ( unit = 9, file = '', status = 'NEW' ) elseif ( idat .eq. 2 ) then OPEN ( unit = 9, file = 'albatross.ctd', status = 'NEW' ) else goto 5 endif c c Opens file with header information OPEN ( unit = 10, file = 'stations_list', status = 'OLD' ) c c Skips header lines in file stations_list c do 10 i = 1, 14 read (10,*) 10 continue c c Starts to read header info from file stations_list c 20 read (10,*,end=100) ( rhead(i), i = 1, 15 ) c ista = rhead(1) iday = rhead(3) imon = rhead(4) ihou = rhead(5) imin = rhead(6) ilat = rhead(7) ilon = rhead(9) isam = rhead(15) c c Writes header information in new file with combined headers and data if ( idat .eq. 1 ) then write (9,11) cship(1:4), ccrid(1:4), ista, iday, imon, iyea, & ihou, imin, ilat, rhead(8), clath(1:1), ilon, rhead(10), & clonh(1:1), rhead(14), isam elseif ( idat .eq. 2 ) then write (9,22) cship(1:4), ccrid(1:4), ista, iday, imon, iyea, & ihou, imin, ilat, rhead(8), clath(1:1), ilon, rhead(10), & clonh(1:1), rhead(14) endif c 11 format(A4,1X,A4,I4,1X,2I3,I5,1X,2I2,2(I4,F6.2,A1),F8.1,I3) 22 format(A4,1X,A4,I4,1X,2I3,I5,1X,2I2,2(I4,F6.2,A1),F8.1) c rlat = (-1.0) * (ilat + rhead(8)/60.) rlon = (-1.0) * (ilon + rhead(10)/60.) c c Opens file with bottle or CTD data c if ( idat .eq. 1 ) then OPEN ( unit = 11, file = 'ALBATROSS-bot-nodc.asc', & status = 'OLD' ) c j = 0 c 30 read (11,*,end=50) ( rdat(i), i = 1, 12 ) ibsta = rdat(1) c if ( ibsta .eq. ista ) then j = j + 1 do 40 i = 1, 12 rbot(j,i) = rdat(i) 40 continue c rdlat = rlat - rdat(2) if ( rdlat .lt. 0.0 ) rdlat = rdlat * (-1.0) rdlon = rlon - rdat(3) if ( rdlon .lt. 0.0 ) rdlon = rdlon * (-1.0) if ( rdlat .gt. 0.005 ) then write (*,*) rdlat, ' lat diff for stat ', ista endif if ( rdlon .gt. 0.005 ) then write (*,*) rdlon, ' lon diff for stat ', ista endif c endif c goto 30 c 50 close (11) c idif = isam - j if ( idif .ne. 0 ) then write (*,*) idif, ' mismatch in bottles for stat ', ista endif c if ( j .gt. 0 ) then do 60 h = j, 1, -1 ibsta = rbot(h,1) write (9,66) ibsta, ( rbot(h,i), i = 2, 12 ) 60 continue endif c 66 format(I3,2F10.4,9F11.4) c elseif ( idat .eq. 2 ) then OPEN ( unit = 11, file = 'ALBATROSS-ctd-nodc.asc', & status = 'OLD' ) c 70 read (11,*,end=80) ( rdat(i), i = 1, 7 ) ibsta = rdat(1) c if ( ibsta .eq. ista ) then write (9,77) ibsta, ( rdat(i), i = 2, 7 ) endif c 77 format(I3,2F10.4,4F11.4) c goto 70 c 80 close (11) c endif c goto 20 c 100 close (9) close (10) c stop c end