This is the standard bundle for National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) accession data. Each accession maintained by NODC is given a unique integer identifier known as an 'accession id'. All information related to that accession is contained within a directory using the accession id as the directory name. The accession directory has the following standard structure: : This directory NODC-Readme.txt: This file. about: Directory. Contains all accession related metadata including but not limited to the following two standard files. journal.txt: Text file. Contains any notes, correspondence etc. relating to this accession. .md5: Text file: contains MD5 checksums for all files in this accession except for the .md5 file itself. other metadata: ... data: Directory. All accession data is located in the 'data' directory. 0-data: Directory. Contains the originator's data unmodified from its intial digital format as submitted to NODC. The initial source for this data should be documented in the header of the: /about/journal.txt file after the keyword, 'Source'. 1-data: Optional directory. May contain processed version of originator's data from '0-data' directory. E.g. unzipped, uncompressed, untarred, or otherwise extracted or modified data. A note should be found in /about/journal.txt explaining how files in 1-data were derived from the files in 0-data. -data: Optional directories. Additional processed forms of originators data. Similar to 1-data above. For further information about this accession see: ./about/journal.txt ALBATROSS-ctd-nodc.asc.gz contains ALBATROSS CTD data with the format: station lat lon press temp salin oxygen (in micromoles per kg) ALBATROSS-bot-nodc.asc.gz contains ALBATROSS bottle data with the format: station lat lon CTD_press CTD_temp CTD_salin CTD_oxygen bottle_salin bottle_oxygen bottle_nitrate bottle_phosphate bottle_silicate (all nutrient data in micromoles per kg) 03/Jan/2003 ** Alberto Naveira (UEA) ** ------ 9 January 2003, R. A. Locarnini, OCL/NODC/NOAA - albatross.txt is a summary of e-mail messages with additional info on the submitted data. - albatross_cruisereport.doc is a Microsoft Word document with the originator's cruise report. - Files and albatross.ctd were created with the program reformat.f using the info in submitted files ALBATROSS-bot-nodc.asc and ALBATROSS-ctd-nodc.asc, and the headers in file stations_list. File stations_list is a text version of Table 1 in document albatross_cruisereport.doc. The header line in the files and albatross.ctd have the following information, Ship code: 74JC (James Clark Ross) Cruise ID: JR40 Station number: Day Month Year Time: hours and minutes, UTC Latitude: degrees, minutes (2dp), and hemisphere Longitude: degrees, minutes (2dp), and hemisphere Corrected bottom depth: meters Number of water samples: only in file. Number does not always match actual number of observations. The data lines in the file have the following information, Station number Latitude: degrees (2dp) Longitude: degrees (2dp) Pressure: db CTD temperature: degC, ITS-90 CTD salinity: PSS78 CTD dissolved oxygen: umol/kg Bottle salinity: PSS78 Bottle dissolved oxygen: umol/kg Nitrate+Nitrite: umol/kg Phosphate: umol/kg Silicate: umol/kg The data lines in the albatross.ctd file have the following information, Station number Latitude: degrees (2dp) Longitude: degrees (2dp) Pressure: db CTD temperature: degC, ITS-90 CTD salinity: PSS78 CTD dissolved oxygen: umol/kg Missing values in files and albatross.ctd are indicated by -999.0000