***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0000794 Created on: Mon 7 Oct 2002 10:09:07 -0400 By: Francis Mitchell,SSMC3 4637,7133272 113 Source: These data were sent by NODC Liaison Officer, Patrick Caldwell (Honolulu, HI) via ftp for Dr. Anthony Russo, et al. Action(s): The original data files were transferred to the directory of data/0-data/. NODC personnel converted all '.doc' files under the directory of data/0-data into '.pdf/a' files and saved them in their corresponding folders under the directory of data/1-data. Whenever original '.doc' files contain unreadable tables, the tables were fixed before '.pdf/a' files were created. In that case, the new '.doc' files were saved along with '.pdf/a' files under the folder of data/1-data. Version2.2 - This version of NODC Accession 0000794 was created to include a FGDC metadata record that was produced by NODC Liaison Officer, Patrick Caldwell. To bring this version of this accession up to current standards, directories and files were moved, removed, or created as outlined below. about/ new files: FGDCmetadata.txt, simple_metadata.txt, 1-email 0-data/ removed files: russo.tar.Z moved directories: waianae/ was moved from 1-data/ 1-data/ new files: PDF/A transformations of .doc and .DOC files were placed in the same directory structure as in 0-data directories removed: nodcmeta/ was removed and replaced with new metadata files in about/ Files: about/ This directory contains files generated by NODC with ancillary information about the data submission. 0-email.txt - E-mail from Patrick Caldwell notifying NODC that the data were available from the NODC FTP server. 1-email.txt - Email from Pat Caldwell notifying NODC that an updated FGDC record was available via email attachment. FGDCmetadata.txt - FGDC metadata record for these data simple_metadata.txt - Format descriptions and other metadata for these data. data/0-data/ Under this directory are the original files that were uncompressed and copied to this directory. data/1-data/ This directory contains files that were converted by NODC from their originally submitted format under the 0-data/ directory to an archival format. *.pdf - Portable Document Format (PDF/A) files that NODC converted from the Microsoft Word files in /0-data using Adobe batch utilities. One PDF/A file was created for each Word file and is in the same directory structure as in 0-data.