This is the standard bundle for National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) accession data. Each accession maintained by NODC is given a unique integer identifier known as an 'accession id'. All information related to that accession is contained within a directory using the accession id as the directory name. The accession directory has the following standard structure: : This directory NODC-Readme.txt: This file. about: Directory. Contains all accession related metadata including but not limited to the following two standard files. journal.txt: Text file. Contains any notes, correspondence etc. relating to this accession. .md5: Text file: contains MD5 checksums for all files in this accession except for the .md5 file itself. other metadata: ... data: Directory. All accession data is located in the 'data' directory. 0-data: Directory. Contains the originator's data unmodified from its intial digital format as submitted to NODC. The initial source for this data should be documented in the header of the: /about/journal.txt file after the keyword, 'Source'. 1-data: Optional directory. May contain processed version of originator's data from '0-data' directory. E.g. unzipped, uncompressed, untarred, or otherwise extracted or modified data. A note should be found in /about/journal.txt explaining how files in 1-data were derived from the files in 0-data. -data: Optional directories. Additional processed forms of originators data. Similar to 1-data above. For further information about this accession see: ./about/journal.txt # Hydrographic and biological data taken aboard ARA San Martin, December # 1963 - January 1964 The data in file SM1964.dat are a combination of data in the NODC archives under catalog number 6900180 and data recovered from El-Sayed, S. Z. and E. F. Mandelli, 1965. Primary production and standing crop of phytoplankton in the Weddell Sea and Drake Passage, in Biology of the Antarctic Seas II, George A. Llano (Ed.), ARS volume 5, AGU, Washington, D.C., pp. 87-106. Platform: 08SM ARA San Martin Area: Scotia Sea and Weddell Sea Dates: 14 December 1963 - 11 January 1964 Institutions: Servicio de Hidrografia Naval, Buenos Aires, Argentina Texas A&M University Principal Investigators: Sayed Z. El-Sayed Enrique F. Mandelli Observations: Sixty-five stations. Twenty-one stations have surface and sub-surface information from water samples obtained from hydrographic casts and a Van Dorn sampler. Forty-four stations have only surface information from water samples obtained with an open plastic bucket. Headers information: Header line #1: Platform, station #, latitude (degrees), latitude (minutes and decimal minutes), latitude hemisphere, longitude (degrees) longitude (minutes and decimal minutes), longitude hemisphere, year, month, day, time (local). Metadata headers (various meteorological and bottom depth data individually labelled): bottom depth (m), barometric pressure (mb), dry bulb air temperature (degC), water transparency (Secchi depth, m), wind direction (WMO 0877), wind speed (kts), cloud type (WMO 0500), and cloud cover (WMO 2700). Primary production in the water column header: primary production in water column (mg C/m2/h; missing value = -99), primary production in water column (g C/m2/day; missing value = -9.99), upper depth (m; missing value = -99), lower depth (m; missing value = -99). Data; variable label, variable, unit, method: Depth Depth m Temp Temperature degC Sal Salinity %. Knudsen O2 Oxygen ml/l Winkler PO4 PO4-P ug at./l Spectrophotometric Sil Si ug at./l Spectrophotometric NO2 NO2-N ug at./l Spectrophotometric NO3 NO3-N ug at./l Spectrophotometric PH pH Alk Alkalinity meq/l Chl Chlorophyll a mg/m3 Spectrophotometric; 47-mm HA Millipore filter (pore size 0.45 u +/- 0.02). Cu C14 Uptake mg C/m3/h Pi Photosynthetic index mg C/mg Chl a/h PP1 Primary productivity mg C/m2/h in water column PP2 Primary productivity g C/m2/day in water column Light transmissivity % Weston photoelectric cells Missing value for temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alkalinity, chlorophyll, photosynthetic index, and PP2: -9.99 Missing value for silicate: -99.99 Missing value for PP1: -99 Primary organic production was measured by the C14 uptake method [Steemann Nielsen, 1952] with the modifications suggested by Strickland and Parsons [1960]. Bottles with the inoculated water samples were incubated in a Doty-type productivity incubator [Doty and Oguri, 1958] with a light intensity of about 3000 foot-candles. The bottles were wrapped in special filters to match the light intensity at the depth they were taken. The incubation period was generally 4 hours. The C14 data have been corrected only for dark bottle uptake. Primary organic production's methods for the seven casts at station 68 were essentially the same, except here the light and dark bottles were lowered on a weighted rope and incubated at the depth from which the water samples were taken, and the incubation period was restricted to 2 hours only.