During the accessioning process, NODC created four files to include as additional metadata for this data collection. These files include a list of all latitude-longitude pairs for observations, bounding values that indicate the northernmost, southernmost, easternmost and westernmost boundaries of the data, and graphical plots of all data locations in a .jpg and .ps format. The accession number assigned by NODC is depicted in each file name as #######. The files use the following naming conventions: #######_lonlat.txt - this file is created by extracting the longitude and latitude values for all station locations in the data. The list of longitude-latitude pairs is then processed to remove duplicate stations and to reformat the values to decimal degree formats, if necessary. The left column contains longitude values, the right column contains latitude values. In accordance with FGDC guidelines, North latitude and East longitude are positive values, South latitude and West longitude are negative values. #######_box.txt - this file is generated by a processing script developed at NODC that analyses the values in #######_lonlat.txt and outputs the northernmost, southernmost, easternmost and westernmost values. #######_map.jpg - this JPEG file is created by plotting the values in #######_lonlat.txt using the unix plotting software Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). #######_map.ps - this PostScript image file is created by plotting the values in #######_lonlat.txt using the unix plotting software Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). For more information about GMT, please see http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/ (last accessed on 2006-01-27).