Note: The *.inv files in data/1-data/metadata are ASCII text files created by NODC personnel that contain information that was used within NODC to populate a now-obsolete metadata database. These files are maintained because they were part of the original .zip file received at NODC. The metadata elements in this string are separated by a semicolon. The string elements are: NODC accession number [default value is 0000001, not usually modified]; NODC file alias [discontinued for new data in approximately January 2000]; originator cruise identifier; NODC project code; NODC institution code (data collecting institution); NODC platform code; earliest observation date (YYYY/MM/DD); latest observation date (YYYY/MM/DD); number of stations in this file; number of records [default is blank, discontinued for new data in approximately January 2000]; NODC reference number [default is blank]; approximate southernmost bounding latitude (- is South, units are degrees and minutes); approximate northernmost bounding latitude (- is South, units are degrees and minutes); approximate westernmost bounding longitude (- is West, units are degrees and minutes); approximate easternmost bounding longitude (- is West, units are degrees and minutes); approximate instrument depth; maximum length of originators record string;