Daily values are obtained using a two-step filtering operation. First, the dominant diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal components are removed from the quality controlled hourly values. Secondly, a 119-point convolution filter (Bloomfield, 1976) centered on noon is applied to remove the remaining high frequency energy and to prevent aliasing when the data are computed to daily values. The 95, 50, and 5% amplitude points are 124.0, 60.2, and 40.2 hours, respectively. The Nyquist frequency of the daily data is at a period of 48 hours which has a response of about 5% amplitude, thus, aliasing is minimal. The primary tidal periods have a response of less than 0.1% amplitude. The filtering operation incorporates an objective procedure to handle gaps. This objective technique simply replaces the filter weight at any missing observation with a zero and renormalizes the sum of the modified weight function to unity. This technique is equivalent to interpolating the missing observation with an estimate of the local mean of the time series. The local mean is defined as the mean of a given segment of length equal to the length of the filter. The error associated with this technique can be estimated objectively and is used as a criterion for accepting or rejecting a daily value computed in an area of the time series which contains a gap or gaps. This error depends on the ratio of the standard deviations of the input (hourly) and the output (daily) data. Thus in order to keep the ratio low, it is essential to apply this technique to the residual series as defined above. The monthly values are calculated from the daily data with a simple average of all the daily values in a month. If seven or fewer values are missing, the monthly value is calculated.