Subject: Re: Need Assistance with XBT Probe Information "Franklin" Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:25:07 +1000 From: Ann Gronell Organization: CSIRO Marine Research To: Melanie Hamilton References: 1 Dear Melanie, I have been looking into the data you described and have found out that there is Franklin data I didn't have in my own archives! A clear case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing. I am grabbing all the data I can find (there is more than you mentioned) and will qc it to our standards. First question - this will take some time - do you want me to send you the qc'd data when it's done?? This will have corrected fall rates and probe info as well as our usual CSIRO codes and quality information. Are you in a rush? It might take a couple of weeks or so - I foresee finishing it by the end of January at the latest. Earlier if possible. If you can't wait, I can tell you that it looks like all probes were either t-7 or t-4's and none of it would have been depth corrected before submission. I can't guarantee that other probes weren't used but it looks like we are safe to assume that all need to be depth corrected. My qc'd version will be definitive since I will use the probe types stored with the original data. I will assume you want the qc'd data unless I hear otherwise. Meanwhile, I hope the info above helps... -- Cheers. Ann. ************************************************************************ Ann Gronell (Thresher) Phone: (03) 62-325-419 Data Analyst (Int'l) (61-3) 62-325-419 Ocean Observing Networks Fax: (03) 62-325-123 CSIRO Division of Marine Research (Int'l) (61-3) 62-325-123 GPO Box 1538 Hobart, TAS 7001 Email: Australia