Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2290

Experiment name:        ACM29 (Labrador Sea)
Principal Investigator: P.Rhines/J.Lazier
PI's affiliation:       Bedford Inst Oc         
Mooring Name:           1168
Mooring position:       56.753 deg N,   52.455 deg W
Instrument depth:       110 meters
Seafloor depth:         3510 meters
Times:                  starts 29 May 1994, ends 13 Jun 1995
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.10    11.43    58.93     7.32    329.0
dir (deg true)      0.08   204.58   359.83    93.75    329.0
u (cm/sec)        -37.30    -2.20    26.58     8.90    329.0
v (cm/sec)        -26.42    -1.11    57.14     9.95    329.0
temp (deg C)        2.04     2.92     3.85     0.31    380.4
pressure (db)     129.32   147.37   365.70    30.80    380.4

Speed and direction end approximately 51 days early, at line
7897 (0100 23 Apr 95). About 8.5% of the speeds recorded prior
to that point were at or below the current meter's threshold
and have been set to 1.1 cm/sec. CMDAC notes that speed was
also below threshold during the 51-day segment that was removed.
This and other factors suggest that some of the earlier below-
threshold speeds, particularly those near the end of the record,
may also have been caused by a sensor failure. 

In cases where the speed was lower than the threshold, the
instrument did not register a meaningful direction. The file
provided to CMDAC contained null directions in these instances.
In order to provide continuous time series CMDAC has replaced
the null directions with linear interpolations in the portion
of the record prior to line 7239 (1500 26 Mar 95).  Most of the
gaps subsequent to that point are too broad to bridge.

The pressure sensor went offscale in lines 7505 - 7550
(1700 6 Apr 95 - 1400 8 Apr 95). 

Move up one level.