[NOAA Satellite and Information Services banner] [National Oceanographic Data Center left side banner image][right side banner image with search and contact buttons] You are here: NODC Home > Access Data > NODC Data Formats & Codes > F291 Buoy (F291) Format Meteorology, Oceanography, and Wave Spectra from Buoys (F291) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE TYPE 291 - METEOROLOGY OCEANOGRAPHY AND WAVE SPECTRA THIS FORMAT IS USED TO REPORT METEOROLOGICAL, OCEANOGRAPHIC, AND WAVE SPECTRA DATA FROM NDBC MOORED BUOYS AND FIXED LAND STATIONS. THE FORMAT CONTAINS TEN DATA RECORD TYPES TO: * IDENTIFY THE BUOY POSITION AND OTHER DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION; * REPORT THE METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS; * REPORT WAVE ENERGY SPECTRA AND WAVE DIRECTION; * REPORT SUBSURFACE PHYSICAL, BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL OCEANOGRAPHIC MEASUREMENTS; AND * REPORT DETAILED INFORMATION ON CONTINUOUSLY MEASURED WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION. ****NOTE**** THIS FORMAT REPLACES FILE TYPE 191 WHICH IN TURN REPLACED 091. 03/30/81 - ADDED WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION TO RECORD TYPE '2' 12/28/81 - ADDED RECORD TYPES '6' AND '7' 11/04/85 - ADDED RECORD TYPE '8' 01/01/88 - ADDED RECORD TYPE '9' 01/30/91 - DESIGNED F291 TO: * RELABEL RECORD TYPES - RECORD TYPES 1 THROUGH 5 BECOMING A THROUGH E; ADD NEW RECORD TYPE F; AND RELABEL 6 THROUGH 9 AS G THROUGH J; * ADD A PRESENCE OF A RECORD INDICATOR IN RECORD TYPE 'A'; * REDEFINE RECORD TYPE B BY DELETING "HIGHEST CREST" AND "DEEPEST TROUGH" AND INSERTING "WATER LEVEL"; * IDENTIFY RECORD TYPE C AS "NON-DIRECTIONAL WAVE SPECTRA DATA RECORD"; * DELETE DEFINITION OF COLUMNS 27 THROUGH 33 IN RECORD C AND REPLACE WITH 7 BLANKS; * ADD A DURATION OF SAMPLING FIELD AT THE END OF RECORD D; * DEFINE RECORD TYPE E TO PROVIDE ONLY SUBSURFACE CURRENT INFORMATION; AND * DEFINE NEW RECORD TYPE F TO PROVIDE SUBSURFACE PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION. 05/01/92 - REFINED DEFINITION OF OBSERVED TIME IN RECORDS A THROUGH J TO BE "END OF MET. DATA ACQUISITION, ROUNDED TO THE BEGINNING OF THE NEAREST WHOLE MINUTE." TIME TAG OF DATA ARCHIVED PRIOR TO THIS DATE REFLECTS NEAREST WHOLE HOUR OF MET. DATA ACQUISITION. ALSO, FOR RECORD C, BLANK SPACES 27-30 ARE DEFINED AS "END OF WAVE DATA ACQUISITION, ROUNDED TO THE BEGINNING OF THE NEAREST WHOLE MINUTE." 01/01/95 - ADDED TWO NEW RECORDS TO 291 TO HANDLE WPM DATA: * DEFINED RECORD TYPE K TO PROVIDE EXPANDED RESOLUTION FOR NONDIRECTIONAL CENTER FREQUENCY AND WAVE SPECTRA DATA; AND * DEFINED RECORD TYPE L TO PROVIDE EXPANDED RESOLUTION FOR CENTER FREQUENCY OF THE CO AND QUAD SPECTRA. THE "SENSOR OUTPUT" FIELD WAS ALSO ADDED TO INDICATE THE TYPE OF SENSOR. 03/17/2000 - FOUR DIGIT YEAR * TO ACCOMMODATE FOUR DIGIT YEARS, THE FORMER FILE DATE FIELD COL 4-9 (THAT WAS USED FOR YEARS FOR THE NODC REFERENCE NUMBER) IS NOW USED TO HOLD THE YYYYMM OF OBSERVATION AND IS CALLED OBS YEAR/MONTH. 04/21/2000 - ADDED NEW COMMENT RECORD M * ADDED NEW M RECORD FOR COMMENTS. IT CAN OCCUR AT ANY PLACE IN THE FILE. RECORD FORMAT DESCRIPTION RECORD NAME: Meteorology Oceanography & Wave Spectra (File Type "291") DESCRIPTIVE HEADER RECORD (RECORD A) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 "291" (constant) OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'A' STATION 11 6 Six-character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute LATITUDE 27 7 DDMMSS plus hemisphere 'N' or 'S' LONGITUDE 34 8 DDDMMSS plus hemisphere 'E' or 'W' BOTTOM DEPTH 42 5 XXXXX - Meters to tenths MAGNETIC XXXX - Whole degrees from true VARIATION 47 4 North (signed value) BUOY HEADING 51 3 XXX - Whole degrees from true North SAMPLING RATE XXXX - Original measurements per (WAVES) 54 4 minute to tenths XXXX - Minutes to hundredths If equal to 40 minutes, the actual SAMPLING DURATION duration for all wave (WAVES)* 58 4 calculations varies by frequency range: .02 to .925 Hz - 40 min .1 to .35 Hz - last 20 min .365 to .485 Hz- last 10 min TOTAL INTERVALS XXX - Number of frequency (WAVES) 62 3 intervals CHIEF SCIENTIST 65 20 20-Character field for scientist name INSTITUTION 85 20 20-Character field for data source WIND SAMPLING DURATION 105 3 XXX - Minutes to tenths PRESENCE OF RECORD 'B' 108 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'C' 109 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'D' 110 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'E' 111 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'F' 112 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'G' 113 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'H' 114 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'I' 115 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'J' 116 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'K' 117 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO PRESENCE OF RECORD 'L' 118 1 X - Y=YES; N=NO BLANKS 119 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RECORD (RECORD B) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 "291" (constant) OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'B' STATION 11 6 Six-character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute ANEMOMETER HEIGHT 27 3 XXX - Height above water level or ground (meters to tenths) XXXX - Negative temperatures AIR TEMPERATURE 30 4 are preceded by a minus sign adjacent to tempera- ture value Deg C to tenths DEW POINT 34 4 XXXX - Degrees C to tenths BAROMETER 38 5 XXXXX - Reduced to sea level (MB to tenths) WIND SPEED (AVG) 43 4 XXXX - m/sec to hundredths WIND DIRECTION (AVG) 47 4 XXXX - Degrees from true North to tenths WEATHER 51 1 One-character weather code VISIBILITY 52 3 XXX - Nautical miles to tenths PRECIPITATION 55 4 XXXX - Accumulation in millimeters SOLAR RADIATION xxx - Langleys/min to (ATMOSPHERIC 59 3 hundredths, wave length less than 3.6 microns SOLAR RADIATION XXX - Langleys/min to (ATMOSPHERIC) 62 3 hundredths, wave length from 4.0 to 50 microns SIGNIFICANT WAVE XXX - Corrected for low HEIGHT* 65 3 frequency noise, etc. (meters to tenths) AVERAGE WAVE PERIOD* 68 3 XXX - Seconds to tenths XXX - Mean direction at the dominant wave period (spectral peak period) in whole degrees MEAN WAVE DIRECTION 71 3 clockwise from true North to the direction from which the waves are coming. level; minus sign indicates below MLLW (meters to tenths) BLANKS 78 2 XXXX - Sea surface - Negative TEMPERATURE (SEA temperatures are preceded by a SURFACE) 80 4 minus sign adjacent to temperature value-Deg C to hundredths PRACTICAL SALINITY (SEA SURFACE) 84 5 XXXXX - To thousandths CONDUCTIVITY (SEA XXXXX - Millisiemens/cm to SURFACE) 89 5 thousandths DOMINANT WAVE XXX - Spectral peak period- PERIOD* 94 3 Seconds to tenths MAXIMUM WAVE HEIGHT 97 3 XXX - Meters to tenths MAXIMUM WAVE STEEPNESS 100 3 XXX WIND GUST 103 4 XXXX - Meters/sec to hundredths WIND GUST AVERAGING PERIOD 107 2 XX - Seconds WIND GUST 109 4 XXXX - Meters/sec to hundredths WIND GUST AVERAGING PERIOD 113 2 XX - Seconds WIND SPEED (58 MIN AVG) 115 3 XXX - Meters/sec to tenths WIND DIRECTION (58 MIN AVG) 118 3 XXX - Whole degrees * Significant wave height, average wave period, and dominant wave period are set to zero when significant wave height is less than 0.15 meters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NONDIRECTIONAL WAVE SPECTRA DATA RECORD (RECORD C) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 "291" (constant) OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'C' STATION 11 6 Six-character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute END OF WAVE DATA HHMM (UTC) - Rounded to beginning ACQUISITION 27 4 of nearest whole minute BLANKS 31 3 X - Number of frequencies on this COUNT DATA 34 1 record Up to 5 frequency, resolu- tion, and density fields. Null fields are zero or blank FREQUENCY 35 4 XXXX - Center frequency of interval in Hertz to thousandths RESOLUTION 39 4 XXXX - Interval width in Hertz to ten-thousandths DENSITY 43 6 XXXXXX - Spectral Density, C11, in m2/Hz to thousandths FREQUENCY 49 4 XXXX - See above RESOLUTION 53 4 XXXX - See above DENSITY 57 6 XXXXXX - See above FREQUENCY 63 4 XXXX - See above RESOLUTION 67 4 XXXX - See above DENSITY 71 6 XXXXXX - See above FREQUENCY 77 4 XXXX - See above RESOLUTION 81 4 XXXX - See above DENSITY 85 6 XXXXXX - See above FREQUENCY 91 4 XXXX - See above RESOLUTION 95 4 XXXX - See above DENSITY 99 6 XXXXXX - See above BLANKS 105 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSURFACE TEMPERATURE/SALINITY DATA RECORD (RECORD D) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 "291" (constant) OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'D' STATION 11 6 Six character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute DEPTH 27 5 XXXXX - Meters from the surface to tenths XXXX - Negative temperatures are TEMPERATURE 32 4 preceded by a minus sign adjacent to temper- ature value-Deg C to hundredths PRACTICAL SALINITY 36 5 XXXXX - Parts per thousands reported to thousands CONDUCTIVITY 41 4 XXXX - Millisiemens/cm to hundredths DEPTH 45, 63, 5 Repeated in descending order 81,99 TEMPERATURE 50, 68, 86, 4 Repeated in descending order 104 PRACTICAL SALINITY 54, 72, 90, 5 Repeated in descending order 108 CONDUCTIVITY 59, 77, 95, 4 Repeated in descending order 113 BLANK 117 1 DURATION OF SAMPLING PERIOD 118 3 XXX - Minutes to tenths ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSURFACE CURRENT DATA RECORD (RECORD E) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 Always "291" OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'E' STATION 11 6 Six character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute DEPTH 27 4 XXXX - From the surface in meters PRESSURE 31 5 XXXXX - Hydrostatic pressure (kg/cm2) to hundredths XXXXX - East component from true U COMPONENT 36 5 North (cm/sec) to tenths. Minus sign indi- cates westward component XXXXX - True North component in V COMPONENT 41 5 cm/sec to tenths. Minus sign indicates southward component XXX - Vertical component in cm/sec W COMPONENT 46 3 to tenths. Minus sign indicates downward component DEPTH 49, 71, 93 4 Repeated in descending order PRESSURE 53, 75, 97 5 Repeated in descending order U COMPONENT 58, 80, 102 5 Repeated in descending order V COMPONENT 63, 85, 107 5 Repeated in descending order W COMPONENT 68, 90, 112 3 Repeated in descending order BIN WIDTH 115 2 XX - Width of each depth bin whole meters SAMPLING INTERVAL 117 3 XXX - Minutes to tenths BLANK 120 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSURFACE DATA PROFILE (RECORD F) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 Always "291" OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'F' STATION 11 6 Six-character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute XXXX - From the surface in DEPTH 27 4 meters. Negative value indicates height in meters above water surface PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION (PAR) 31 4 XXXX - Micromol/sec/m2 BLANKS 35 15 15 Blanks reserved for future parameters DEPTH 50, 73, 96 4 Repeated in descending order PAR 54, 77, 100 4 Repeated in descending order BLANKS 58, 81, 104 15 Reserved for future parameters BLANKS 119 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CO AND QUAD SPECTRA FOR DIRECTIONAL WAVES DATA RECORD (RECORD G) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 Always "291" OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'G' STATION 11 6 Six character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute FREQUENCY 27 4 XXXX - Center frequency of interval in Hz to thousandths XXXXX - Spectral resolution of RESOLUTION 31 5 this frequency band to Hz to ten-thousandths XXXXXX - Signed uncorrected spectral density of CO spectra in CO-SPECTRA (C11) 36 6 m2/Hz. Decimal assumed to be left of first digit. Subscripts are: 1=Heave, 2=E-W slope, 3=N-S slope EXPONENT* 42 2 XX - First space is the sign CO-SPECTRA (C22) 44 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 50 2 XX - See above CO-SPECTRA (C33) 52 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 58 2 XX - See above CO-SPECTRA (C12) 60 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 66 2 XX - See above QUAD-SPECTRA (Q12) 68 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 74 2 XX - See above CO-SPECTRA (C13) 76 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 82 2 XX - See above QUAD-SPECTRA (Q13) 84 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 90 2 XX - See above CO-SPECTRA C23) 92 6 XXXXXX - See Above EXPONENT* 98 2 XX - See above QUAD-SPECTRA (Q23) 100 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 106 2 XX - See above SPECTRA (C22-C33) 108 6 XXXXXX - See Above EXPONENT* 114 2 XX - See above BLANKS 116 5 * If this exponent is less than -9, the exponent and its associated spectra will be zero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIRECTIONAL WAVE FOURIER COEFFICIENT DATA RECORD (RECORD H) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 Always "291" OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'H' STATION 11 6 Six character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute FREQUENCY 27 4 XXXX - Hz to thousandths RESOLUTION 31 5 XXXXX - Hz to ten- thousandths ANGULAR FOURIER COEFF (a0) 36 6 XXXXXX - m2/Hz EXPONENT 42 2 XX ANGULAR FOURIER COEFF (a1) 44 6 XXXXXX - m2/Hz EXPONENT 50 2 XX ANGULAR FOURIER COEFF (b1) 52 6 XXXXXX - m2/Hz EXPONENT 58 2 XX ANGULAR FOURIER COEFF (a2) 60 6 XXXXXX - m2/Hz EXPONENT 66 2 XX ANGULAR FOURIER COEFF (b2) 68 6 XXXXXX - m2/Hz EXPONENT 74 2 XX ANGULAR FOURIER COEFF (a3) 76 6 XXXXXX - m2/Hz EXPONENT 82 2 XX ANGULAR FOURIER COEFF (b3) 84 6 XXXXXX - m2/Hz EXPONENT 90 2 XX ANGULAR FOURIER COEFF (a4) 92 6 XXXXXX - m2/Hz EXPONENT 98 2 XX ANGULAR FOURIER COEFF (b4) 100 6 XXXXXX - m2/Hz EXPONENT 106 2 XX MEAN WAVE XXX - ARCTAN b1/a1 in whole DIRECTION 108 3 degrees from true North BLANKS 111 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIRECTIONAL WAVE PARAMETER DATA RECORD (RECORD I) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 Always "291" OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'I' STATION 11 6 Six character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute COUNT 27 1 X - Number of frequencies on this record (1 to 3) XXXX - Center of frequency FREQUENCY 28 4 interval in Hz to the ten- thousandth RESOLUTION 32 4 XXXX - Resolution of interval in Hz to the ten-thousandth R1 36 4 XXXX - Nondimensional. Given to nearest hundredth R2 40 4 XXXX - Nondimensional. Given to nearest hundredth WAVE DIRECTION XXXX - Direction in degrees to the ALPHA1 44 4 tenth WAVE DIRECTION XXXX - Direction in degrees to the ALPHA2 48 4 tenth WAVE ESTIMATE XXXXXX - Spectral value in m2/Hz C11 52 6 to the thousandth XXXX - Center of frequency FREQUENCY 58 4 interval in Hz to the ten- thousandth RESOLUTION 62 4 XXXX - Resolution of interval in Hz to the ten-thousandth R1 66 4 XXXX - Nondimensional. Given to nearest hundredth R2 70 4 XXXX - Nondimensional. Given to nearest hundredth WAVE DIRECTION XXXX - Direction in degrees to the ALHPA1 74 4 tenth WAVE DIRECTION 78 4 XXXX - Direction in degrees to the tenth WAVE C11 XXXXXX - Spectral value in m2/Hz ESTIMATE 82 6 to the thousandth XXXX - Center of frequency FREQUENCY 88 4 interval in Hz to the ten-thousandth RESOLUTION 92 4 XXXX - Resolution of interval in Hz to the ten-thousandth R1 96 4 XXXX - Nondimemsional. Given to nearest hundredth R2 100 4 XXXX - Nondimensional. Given to nearest hundredth WAVE DIRECTION XXXX - Direction in degrees to the ALPHA1 104 4 tenth WAVE DIRECTION XXXX - Direction in degrees to the ALPHA2 108 4 tenth WAVE C11 XXXXXX - Spectral value in m2/Hz ESTIMATE 112 6 to the thousandth BLANKS 118 3 NOTE: DIRECTIONAL WAVE SPECTRUM = C11(f)*D(f,A), f=frequency (Hz), A=Azimuth angle measured clockwise from North to the direction wave is from. D(f,A)=(1/PI)*(0.5+R1*COS(A-ALPHA1)+R2*COS(2*(A-ALPHA2))), in which R1 and R2 are dimensionless and ALPHA1 and ALPHA2 are respectively mean and principal wave directions. In terms of Longuet-Higgins Fourier Coefficients R1=(SQRT(a1*a1+b1*b1))/a0, R2=SQRT(a2*a2+b2*b2))/a0, ALPHA1=270.0-ARCTAN(b1,a1), ALPHA2=270.0-(0.5*ARCTAN(b2,a2)+{0. or 180.}), C11(f) is the nondirectional wave spectra data from RECORD C or RECORD K. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTINUOUS WIND MEASUREMENT DATA RECORD (RECORD J) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 Always "291" OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'J' STATION 11 6 Six character unique name of observation point REPORT DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data REPORT TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute SPEED AVERAGING METHOD 27 1 X - 1=VECTOR, 2=SCALER STANDARD DEVIATION OF HOURLY SPEED 28 3 XXX - m/sec to tenths STANDARD DEVIATION OF HOURLY DIRECTION 31 4 XXXX - Whole degrees HOURLY PEAK WIND 35 3 XXX - m/sec to tenths (high- est 5 sec wind) DIRECTION OF HOURLY PEAK 38 3 XXX - Whole degrees MINUTE OF HOURLY PEAK 41 2 XX - Minutes END OF ACQUISITION TIME 43 4 XXXX - HHMM (UTC) FIRST AVERAGE DIRECTION 47 3 XXX - Whole degrees FIRST AVERAGE SPEED 50 3 XXX - m/sec to tenths SECOND AVERAGE DIRECTION 53 3 XXX - Whole degrees SECOND AVERAGE SPEED 56 3 XXX - m/sec to tenths THIRD AVERAGE DIRECTION 59 3 XXX - Whole degrees THIRD AVERAGE SPEED 62 3 XXX - m/sec to tenths FOURTH AVERAGE DIRECTION 65 3 XXX - Whole degrees FOURTH AVERAGE SPEED 68 3 XXX - m/sec to tenths FIFTH AVERAGE DIRECTION 71 3 XXX - Whole degrees FIFTH AVERAGE SPEED 74 3 XXX - m/sec to tenths SIXTH AVERAGE DIRECTION 77 3 XXX - Whole degrees SIXTH AVERAGE SPEED 80 3 XXX - m/sec to tenths BLANKS 83 38 Ten minute average winds are measured for minutes 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50-59. The first set is for the ten minute time period ending immediately before the end of acquisition time. The remaining sets go back in time. For example, if the end of acquisition time is 1025, then the first average is 1010 to 1019, the second, 1000 to 1009, etc. If the end of acquisition time is 1030, then the first period will be 1020 to 1029. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPANDED RESOLUTION NONDIRECTIONAL WAVE SPECTRA DATA RECORD (RECORD K) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 "291" (constant) OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'K' STATION 11 6 Six-character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute END OF WAVE DATA HHMM (UTC) - Rounded to beginning ACQUISITION 27 4 of nearest whole minute BLANKS 31 3 COUNT 34 1 X - Number of frequencies on this record Up to 5 frequency, resolu- tion, DATA and density fields. Null fields are zero or blank XXXX- Center frequency of FREQUENCY 35 4 interval in Hertz to ten- thousandths RESOLUTION 39 4 XXXX - Interval width in Hertz to ten-thousandths XXXXXXXXX - Spectral Density, DENSITY 43 9 C11, in m2/Hz to hundred thousandths FREQUENCY 52 4 XXXX - See above RESOLUTION 56 4 XXXX - See above DENSITY 60 9 XXXXXXXXX - See above FREQUENCY 69 4 XXXX - See above RESOLUTION 73 4 XXXX - See above DENSITY 77 9 XXXXXXXXX - See above FREQUENCY 86 4 XXXX - See above RESOLUTION 90 4 XXXX - See above DENSITY 94 9 XXXXXXXXX - See above FREQUENCY 103 4 XXXX - See above RESOLUTION 107 4 XXXX - See above DENSITY 111 9 XXXXXXXXX - See above BLANKS 120 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPANDED RESOLUTION CO AND QUAD SPECTRA FOR DIRECTIONAL WAVES DATA RECORD (RECORD L) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 Always "291" OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always 'L' STATION 11 6 Six character unique name of observation point OBSERVED DATE 17 6 YYMMDD (UTC) HHMM (UTC) - End of met. data OBSERVED TIME 23 4 acquisition, rounded to beginning of nearest whole minute XXXX - Center frequency of FREQUENCY 27 4 interval in Hz to ten- thousandths RESOLUTION 31 5 XXXXX - Interval width in Hertz to ten-thousandths XXXXXX - Signed uncorrected spectral density. Decimal assumed CO-SPECTRA C11)** 36 6 to be left of first digit. Subscripts are: 1=Heave, 2=E-W slope, 3=N-S slope EXPONENT* 42 2 XX - First space is the sign CO-SPECTRA (C22)** 44 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 50 2 XX - See above CO-SPECTRA (C33)** 52 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 58 2 XX - See above CO-SPECTRA (C12)** 60 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 66 2 XX - See above QUAD-SPECTRA (Q12)** 68 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 74 2 XX - See above CO-SPECTRA (C13)** 76 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 82 2 XX - See above QUAD-SPECTRA (Q13)** 84 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 90 2 XX - See above CO-SPECTRA C23)** 92 6 XXXXXX - See Above EXPONENT* 98 2 XX - See above QUAD-SPECTRA (Q23)** 100 6 XXXXXX - See above EXPONENT* 106 2 XX - See above SPECTRA (C22-C33)** 108 6 XXXXXX - See Above EXPONENT* 114 2 XX - See above SENSOR OUTPUT 116 1 X - 1=Displacement; 2=Acceleration BLANKS 117 4 * If this exponent is less than -9, the exponent and its associated spectra will be zero. ** For displacement: C11 in m2/Hz, C22 in 1/Hz, C33 in 1/Hz, C12 in m/Hz, C13 in m/Hz, Q12 in m/Hz, Q13 in m/Hz, C23 in 1/Hz, Q23 in 1/Hz. For acceleration: C11, C12, C13, Q12, Q13 in [m/s2]2/Hz, C22, C33, Q23, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMENT (RECORD M) PARAMETER STARTING FIELD DESCRIPTION POSITION LENGTH FILE TYPE 1 3 Always "291" OBS YEAR/MONTH 4 6 YYYYMM of Observation RECORD TYPE 10 1 Always "M" STATION 11 6 Six character unique name of observation point BLANK 17 1 Always blank COMMENT 18 103 Free form comments | Site Map | Access Data | Submit Data | Intended Use of the Data ? | Customer Service | Date last modified: Fri, 3-May-2002 19:27 UTC Website problems? Contact the webmaster [small NOAA logo] NOAA-NESDIS-National Oceanographic Data Center