Pogy 1996 Sample log column titles:
Stn - station #
c old - original cast#
bot - niskin bottle #
dep - depth (meters)
c new - new cast #:
date - date
time - time (GMT)
TWD - total water depth
lat. -  latitude (decimal)
long. - longitude (decimal)
CFC - chlorofluorocarbons
3He - Helium
3H - Tritium
18O - del O18
O2 - oxygen concentration
TCO2/Talk - total CO2 & total Alkalinity
Salt - salinity
nut - nutrients
PCN - particulate carbon/nitrogen
TOC - total organic carbon
129I - Iodine 129
137Cs - Cescium 137 
Bio pla - growout bacterial experiment
extra - biological extract
bac. pres - bacteria  sample preserved
viral pres - viral sample preserved
viral conc - crossflow ultrafiltration
Ba1 - Barium concentration
Ba2 - Barium concentration
N2O - Nitrous oxide
TON - total organic nitrogen
Lign - Lignon concentration
neodym - Neodymium concentration
XCTD - log of XCTD launches
Seabird - log of Seabird launches
Notes - sample notes