F O R M A T for deep-water observation File contains records of three types. The atributing part in every record has the same content and order. Here is the list of key elements (listed according to the sequential number in the record): - archiving number (format I9); - odering number of station in cruise (format - I5); - latitude of starting the station performance (degrees - 2 bytes, minutes - 2 bytes) (format - F4.2); - longitude of starting the station performance (degrees - 3 bytes, minutes - 2 bytes) (format - F5.2); - quadrant (format - I1); - year (format - I4) | - month (format - I2) | beginning date of observations; - day (format - I2) | - hour (format - I2) | beginning time of observations; - minutes (format - I2) | - type of record (format - I1). In record of type 1 presents the description of station and consists of the following information: - sequential number of station on the section of the given cruise (format - I3); - water body number "Sea" (is used only for inner seas, in other cases is filled with "9") (format - I5); - sea code (format - I4); - latitude of ending the performance of station (degrees - 2 bytes, minutes - 2 bytes, tenths of degrees - 1 byte) (format - F5.3); - longitude of ending the performance of station (degrees - 3 bytes, minutes - 2 bytes, tenths of degrees - 1 byte) (format - F6.3); - date (2 bytes) and time (hour - 2 bytes, minutes - 2 bytes) of ending the performance of station) (format - I6); - number of depths at station (format - I2); - code of last depth (code, Table 1) (format - I1); - parameter code (code, Table 2) (format - I2); - depth to sea bottom at place of performing the station (format - I5); - water transparency (format - I3) and quality sing (format - I1); - water colour (Forel-Ull scale of water sample colour) (format - I4) and quality sing (format - I1); The quality signs of the record parameters of type 1 are coded according to Table 3. The record length is constant and equels to 86 bytes. The record of type 2 contains information on meteoconditions, which include the following major parameters: - wind direction (degrees) (format - I3) and quality sing (format - I1); - wind speed (metre/second) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - swell type (code, Table 4) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - direction of wind waves (degrees) (format - I3) and quality sing (format - I1); - wind wave extent (balls) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - wind wave height (halfmeters, code FM 13-YII SHIP) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - wind wave length (metre) (format - I3) and quality sing (format - I1); - wind wave period (second) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - swell direction (degrees) (format - I3) and quality sing (format - I1); - swell-wave height (halfmeters, code FM 13-YII SHIP) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - swell-wave length (metre) (format - I3) and quality sing (format - I1); - swell period (second) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - sea-surface state (balls) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - horizontal visibility (code FM 13-YII SHIP) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - air temperature (0,1 degree) (format - F4.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - absolute humidity (0.1 millibar) (format - F4.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - relative humidity (%) (format - I3) and quality sing (format - I1); - air pressure (0.1 millibar) (format - F5.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - general cloudage amount (code FM 13-YII SHIP) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - low clouds amount (code FM 13-YII SHIP) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - high clouds form (code FM 13-YII SHIP) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - medium clouds form (code FM 13-YII SHIP) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - low clouds form (code FM 13-YII SHIP) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - sunshine characteristic (code, Table 5) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - water transparency (metre) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - water colour (Forel-Ull scale of water sample colour) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - water surface temperature (0,1 degree) (format - F4.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - weather in observation hour (code FM 13-YII SHIP) (format - I1) and quality sing (format - I1); - type of ice (code, Table 6) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - form of ice (code, Table 7) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - dencity of ice cover (balls) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - amount of swimming ice (balls) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - amount of fast ice (balls) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - distence ice edge (kilometre) (format - I2) and quality sing (format - I1); - direction to ice edge (degrees) (format - I3) and quality sing (format - I1); Quality control sings are coded according to Table 3. The size of record constant and equals to 150 bytes. The record of type 3 represents hydrological and hydrochemi- cal data, obtained from observation at several depths. Data for one depth are arrenged as a group, the group key is depth in meters (5 bytes). The number of depths at station (format - I2) is after the type of record. One copy of group includes the following parameter magnitudes: - water temperature (T - 0,01 degree) (format - F5.2) and quality sing (format - I1); - electrical conductivity (0,001 sm/m) (format - F4.3) and quality sing (format - I1); - clorinity (0,001 per mille) (format - F5.3) and quality sing (format - I1); - salinity (S - 0,001 per mille) (format - F5.3) and quality sing (format - I1); - oxigen content (O2 - 0,01 millilitre/litre) (format - F4.2) and quality sing (format - I1); - oxigen content (O2 - 0,1 %) (format - F4.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - index of hydrogen ions (pH - 0,01 of Buch unit) (format - F4.2) and quality sing (format - I1); - alkalinity (0,001 millilitre/litre) (format - F4.3) and quality sing (format - I1); - phosphat (PO4 - 0,1 microgramme/litre) (format - F5.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - total phosphor (P - 0,1 microgramme/litre) (format - F4.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - silicate (SiO3 - microgramme/litre) (format - I5) and quality sing (format - I1); - nitrities (NO2 - 0,1 microgramme/litre) (format - F5.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - nitrates (NO3 - 0,1 microgramme/litre) (format - F5.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - ammonia nitrogen (0,1 microgramme/litre) (format - F5.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - organic nitrogen (0,1 microgramme/litre) (format - F4.1) and quality sing (format - I1); - oxidizability (0,01 milligramme O2 /litre) (format - F4.2) and quality sing (format - I1); - total nitrogen (microgramme/litre) (format - I4) and quality sing (format - I1); - clorophyll (0,01 microgramme/litre) (format - F5.2) and quality sing (format - I1); - pheophetin (microgramme/litre) (format - I5) and quality sing (format - I1); - hydrogen sulphide (0,01 millilitre/litre) (format - F5.2) and quality sing (format - I1). Quality control signs are coded according to Table 3. The record size is variable, it varies depending on the number of depths. Table 1. Code of last level lying in the given water layer --------------------------------- Code | Level, m --------------------------------- 1 | 0 - 200 2 | 201 - 500 3 | 501 - 1000 4 | 1001 - 2000 5 | 2001 - 4000 6 | 4001 - bottom --------------------------------- Table 2. Code of physical and chemical parameters, being defined according at given hydrological station ------------------------------------------------------- Code | Parameters ------------------------------------------------------- 1 | T 2 | T, S 3 | T, S, O2 4 | T, S, O2, P 5 | T, S, O2, P, pH 6 | T, S, O2, P, pH, and other ------------------------------------------------------- Table 3. Code of quality control sign ---------------------------------------------------- Code | Quality sign ---------------------------------------------------- 0 | Value is correct 1 | Value is restored 2 | Value is suspect 3 | Value is rejected 4 | Observation was not made 5 | Phenomena is missing 6 | Reserve 7 | Reserve 8 | Reserve 9 | Quality control was not performed ---------------------------------------------------- Table 4. Code of wave types ---------------------------------------------------- Code | Wave type ---------------------------------------------------- 0 | Calm, no swell 1 | Wind wave 2 | Swell 3 | Ground swell 4 | Wind wave and swell 5 | Swell from different directions 6 | Swell and wind wave ---------------------------------------------------- Table 5. Code of sunshine characteristic ----------------------------------------------------- Code | ----------------------------------------------------- 0 | The sun is completely shielded 1 | The sun is fully shining in the sky, | shadows of objects are distinct 2 | The sun is shaded with thin | translucidus clouds 3 | The sun is hardly seen as a spot | through the clouds, no shadows ----------------------------------------------------- Table 6. Code of ice types ----------------------------------------------------- Code | Type of ice ----------------------------------------------------- 0 | No ice 1 | Types of starting ice formation 11 | Ice needles 12 | Grease ice 13 | Snow sludge 14 | Frazile ice 15 | Black ice 16 | Dark ice 17 | Light ice 18 | Ice crust 19 | Pan ice 2 | Standing ice 21 | Standing grey ice : new ice 22 | Standing grey-white ice : - " - 23 | Standing thin first- : first-year ice | year white ice : 24 | Standing thick first- : - " - | year ice : 25 | Standing first-year : - " - | ice of mean thickness : 6 | Heavy fast ICE : old ice 26 | Fast biennual ice : - " - 27 | Fast old ice (arctic pack) : - " - 3 | Floating ice 31 | Floating grey ice : new ice 32 | Floating grey-white ice : - " - 33 | Floating thin first- : first-year ice | year white ice : 34 | Floating first-year ice : - " - | ice of mean thickness : 35 | Floating thick first-year: - " - | ice : 7 | Heavy floating ice : old ice 36 | Floating biennual ice : - " - 37 | Floating malti-year ice : - " - | (arctic pack) : 4 | Close ice (rafted) 5 | Ice lane 8 | Hummocky ice 9 | Iceberg(es) ----------------------------------------------------- Table 7. Code of ice forms ---------------------------------------------------- Code | Forms of ice ---------------------------------------------------- Fast ice 51 | Shore ice 52 | Shore ice belt 53 | Bay ice 54 | Ice foot 67 | Bottom ice 68 | Ground ice 69 | Coast ice 55 | Stamukha 56 | Anchor ice 57 | Berm crest Floating ice 70 | Pancake ice 71 | Gigantic floes 58 | Large ice field 59 | Medium ice field 60 | Small ice field 61 | Flagments of ice fields 62 | Lump sized ice 63 | Brash 72 | Crashed ice 64 | Floeberg 65 | Growler 73 | Icebreccia 66 | Ice gush 74 | Glacier iceberg 75 | Tabular (berg) iceberg 76 | Ice island 77 | Bergy bits 78 | Part of berg ----------------------------------------------------