Digital DDF form OSU Globec 1999-2000 CTD Data Description of ctd data for cruises: W9902A, W9904B, W9907A, W9909C, W9911A, W0002A, W0004B, W0007A, W0009A Data set has a total of 279 casts Originator Identification Dr. Adriana Huyer / Jane Fleischbein College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University 104 Ocean Admin. Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503 (541)737-2108 or Program: Pilot Monitoring off Oregon for Climate Change Studies in the Eastern North Pacific, Long-Term Observations off Oregon for Climate Change Studies in the Eastern North Pacific, and Supplementary monitoring of ENSO signals in the Eastern North Pacific. Funding Agency for Processing Data: NOAA contract NA67RJ0151, NOAA grant NA860P0589 and NSF grant OCE-9732386 Cruise Number(s) used by originator CTD casts named "wyrmoxc.#" or "aryrmoxc.#": where 'w' or 'ar' stands for the ship R/V Wecoma or R/V McArthur; 'yr' is 97 or 98; 'mo' is a 2 digit month identifier; 'x' is a, b or c depending on the cruise's sequence in a particular month; and '#' is the cast number. Platform Name(s): OSU Ship R/V Wecoma Platform Type(s): Ship Platform and Operator: USA, USA Time of Data Collection: 02/17/1999 to 09/12/2000 Left geographic upper bound: 126W 45N Right geographic lower bound: 123W 40N Proprietary? No Declared National Program: Yes Person to direct data inquiries to: Dr. Adriana Huyer (541)737-2108 Data Type: CTD Data Data Parameters and Units: All cruises: Pressure - db Temperature - degrees C Salinity - psu Potential Temperature - degrees C Sigma-Theta - Kg/m3 Specific Vol. Anomaly - CL/T Dynamic height - J/KG All cruises except: W0009A Fluorescence - v Transmission - v Cruise W0009A: Transmission - % Oxygen Current - v Oxygen Temperature - degrees C Oxygen Saturation - ml/l Data Format: ASCII text files formatted as follows: ASCII Header information: 13 lines of variable length character strings with the format: ('h ',a) The header contains: file name, latitude, longitude, time, bottom depth, station number, station name (may be blank), 2 comment lines, and the data column labels. 1-db averaged data listed in columns with the format: (f7.1,4f8.3,f7.1,f8.3)(no fl, tr, ox) or (f7.1,4f8.3,f7.1,f8.3,2f7.3)(no ox) or (f7.1,4f8.3,f7.1,f8.3,2f7.3,f8.3,2f8.2) and (f7.1,4f8.3,f7.1,f8.3,2f7.3,3e8.1)(at bottom of casts if ox. values are incorrect due to slow ox. temp. response time then ox. is set to 1.0e+22). Instrument Type: Sea-Bird 911 Plus CTD Instrument Calibration: Seabird calibrations done at least annually. Salinity samples taken during cruise allowed precision of salinity measurements to <.0015 psu. Data Processing/Reduction Methodology Standard recommended Sea-Bird processing for this instrument was employed. Data was averaged to 1 - m bins. Detailed information available in data report: Hydrographic Data from the GLOBEC Long-Term Observation Program off Oregon, 1997 and 1998, COAS, OSU, Data Report 172, Reference 99-1 or file: DR172.pdf available with this data set. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital Data Report Name: DR183.pdf Type: Acrobat (application/pdf) Encoding: BASE64 Description: DR183.pdf