***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0000173 Created on: 2022-01-02 20:03:27 UTC By: National Centers for Environmental Information Source: An informational file was created by NODC and/or NCEI staff and programmatically added to the about/ directory of this accession. Version: 2.3 Actions: Informational files were updated in the about/ directory of this accession. Files: about/ This directory contains files created by NCEI staff and processing, including 'negotiable' information between NCEI staff and the data provider. 0000173_lonlat.txt - Contains sample locations for these data. Each row contains the geographical position where these data were collected (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). NCEI may have corrected geographic positions that seemed to be in error when generating this file. However, NCEI did not change the original data files under the directory data/0-data/. 0000173_map.jpg - Sample location map for these data. 0000173.pdf - NODC Data Documentation Form (DDF) and/or other documentation for these data. data/0-data/ This directory contains the data files as submitted to NCEI. The following is a summary of the differences between the about/ files in the previous version of this accession and this version: Total number of files: 5 Number of new files: 1 Number of changed files: 0 Number of files removed: 0 Number of files moved or renamed: 0 New files: 0000173.pdf ***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0000173 Created on: Mon 29 Jul 2002 12:32:27 -0400 By: Mathew Biddle, National Oceanographic Data Center Source: Copied from /nodc/data/migration/accn/accn_42/0000173.dir This was a verified copy of an old magneto-optical jukebox platter. Actions: The mok98_pcc.tar file was copied to /0-data/ and uncompressed. Version2.2 - This version of NODC Accession 0000173 contains an updated FGDC record in the file /about/simple_metadata.txt. NODC personnel updated the accession contents to conform to current archiving procedures. The .txt files in /0-data/dat/ were removed because they were the result of the previous archiving procedure. The current archiving procedure resulted in NODC creating Portable Document Format (PDF/A) files in /1-data/dat/. The mok98_pcc.tar file was removed. The file /0-data/nodcmeta/mok98_pcc.meta was removed and the updated record, simple_metadata.txt, was saved in about/. The file /0-data/nodcmeta/mok98_pcc.inv was the result of an obsolete NODC protocol and has been removed. The directory /0-data/nodcmeta/ was also removed. The file /0-data/dat/mo98tb2.doc contained special characters which would not allow the file to be opened by some programs. In order to alleviate this problem NODC personnel converted the file to PDF/A by creating an intermediary .doc file with the program Open Office. The intermediary file was then converted to PDF/A using Microsoft Word utilities. The PDF/A file was then saved in /1-data/ and the intermediary file was deleted. The remaining .doc/.DOC files in 0-data/ were converted to PDF/A files using Microsoft Word utilities and copied to /1-data/. Files: about/ This directory contains files generated by NODC with ancillary information about the data submission. 0000173_lonlat.txt - Contains sample bounding box for these data. The data submitted to NODC did not include latitude longitude coordinates. Therefore, NODC personnel used the bounding box coordinates submitted in the simple_metadata.txt file. 0000173_map.jpg - Sample bounding box map for these data. simple_metadata.txt - Metadata file created by Pat Caldwell, NODC regional science officer, for this data set. data/0-data/ This directory contains the data files as submitted to NODC. *.doc - Microsoft Word document. data/1-data/ This directory contains files that were converted by NODC from their originally submitted format under the 0-data/ directory to an archival format. *.pdf - PDF/A files that NODC converted from he Microsoft Word files in /0-data/. There is one PDF/A file for each Word file.