***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0000173 Created on: Mon 29 Jul 2002 12:32:27 -0400 By: Mathew Biddle, National Oceanographic Data Center Source: Copied from /nodc/data/migration/accn/accn_42/0000173.dir This was a verified copy of an old magneto-optical jukebox platter. Actions: The mok98_pcc.tar file was copied to /0-data/ and uncompressed. Version2.2 - This version of NODC Accession 0000173 contains an updated FGDC record in the file /about/simple_metadata.txt. NODC personnel updated the accession contents to conform to current archiving procedures. The .txt files in /0-data/dat/ were removed because they were the result of the previous archiving procedure. The current archiving procedure resulted in NODC creating Portable Document Format (PDF/A) files in /1-data/dat/. The mok98_pcc.tar file was removed. The file /0-data/nodcmeta/mok98_pcc.meta was removed and the updated record, simple_metadata.txt, was saved in about/. The file /0-data/nodcmeta/mok98_pcc.inv was the result of an obsolete NODC protocol and has been removed. The directory /0-data/nodcmeta/ was also removed. The file /0-data/dat/mo98tb2.doc contained special characters which would not allow the file to be opened by some programs. In order to alleviate this problem NODC personnel converted the file to PDF/A by creating an intermediary .doc file with the program Open Office. The intermediary file was then converted to PDF/A using Microsoft Word utilities. The PDF/A file was then saved in /1-data/ and the intermediary file was deleted. The remaining .doc/.DOC files in 0-data/ were converted to PDF/A files using Microsoft Word utilities and copied to /1-data/. Files: about/ This directory contains files generated by NODC with ancillary information about the data submission. 0000173_lonlat.txt - Contains sample bounding box for these data. The data submitted to NODC did not include latitude longitude coordinates. Therefore, NODC personnel used the bounding box coordinates submitted in the simple_metadata.txt file. 0000173_map.jpg - Sample bounding box map for these data. simple_metadata.txt - Metadata file created by Pat Caldwell, NODC regional science officer, for this data set. data/0-data/ This directory contains the data files as submitted to NODC. *.doc - Microsoft Word document. data/1-data/ This directory contains files that were converted by NODC from their originally submitted format under the 0-data/ directory to an archival format. *.pdf - PDF/A files that NODC converted from he Microsoft Word files in /0-data/. There is one PDF/A file for each Word file.